Recent content by SamCotter

  1. S

    Coop as brooder with heat pad cave and chilly outside temps

    I am located in central MN and will be moving my 5 week old chicks into the coop. You can have my homemade brooder if you’d like. It’s 3’x3’ with a lid.
  2. S

    Pullet or cockerel?

    Shouldn’t be a Rhode Island Red, as that is not considered one of the rare breeds from Hoover hatchery. So I guess we will have to wait and see longer. Thanks!
  3. S

    Pullet or cockerel?

    So no one thinking this is a pullet or know breed?
  4. S

    Pullet or cockerel?

    Not 100% sure on breed of this chick since I got a hatchery mix. Chicks are 5 weeks old and this one has a much bigger comb than the others, and was also 5 days or so behind on feathering, but is one of the largest. anyone have an idea?
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