Recent content by Sammster

  1. Sammster

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Oh, Liz! I am so sorry! This is awful. 😞 You might not have time for pumpkins - but there are still things you could plant. I think you should still have time for cucumbers. Possibly summer squash. Beans, most likely. Look for direct-sow seeds with short maturity times. Seeds are pretty cheap...
  2. Sammster

    What did you do in the garden today?

    What is the picture in the middle?
  3. Sammster

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Beautiful ♡
  4. Sammster

    Hen?? Roo??? New to raising chickens

    And she is beautiful!
  5. Sammster


    I'm so sorry. At least she had some tender loving care before she passed. :hugs:
  6. Sammster

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I can with my cabbages. Just a few.
  7. Sammster

    Name suggestions for this pretty girl?

    Hissy.... Fritts 😉 How about Fanny?
  8. Sammster

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I'm unsure. I've been using it -but it hasn't stopped the pests! I am careful not to spray it on open or nearly open flowers.
  9. Sammster

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I just recieved my beneficial insects. The ladybugs look good. Very active. The directions recommend releasing in the early morning, so I put them in the fridge, along with the green lacewing eggs. I hope the impending heatwave isn't detrimental to them. Really hoping a lot of them stay on my...
  10. Sammster

    Name 3 Things You Did Or Will Do Today - 2024

    1) I worked at chicken integration, again. One of the bullies, who now wears peepers, tried to start her $#!+ again. I sat with the pullets, and when the bully made her move, I reached out and poked her, like a hen would do. Separating didn't work. Peepers don't stop her (but they help), so I...
  11. Sammster

    What did you do in the garden today?

    These are what I planted, that bolted. I diced them and put them in the freezer. They are in the freeze dryer, now. Hmmm... Maybe I didn't need to.
  12. Sammster

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I ordered beneficial insects that are scheduled to arrive, today. I bought a BIG bag of ladybugs, because I know that most will leave. And I bought lacewing eggs. Not looking forward to the heatwave that is on our heels.
  13. Sammster

    What did you do in the garden today?

    It takes practice
  14. Sammster

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I've been using it for a few months. I sprinke it into the PDZ droppings pan, and on the sand, coop floor - then lightly scratch it in. I use an old, plastic parmasan jar with sprinkle lid for distribution
  15. Sammster

    What did you do in the garden today?

    No tomatoes for us, yet!
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