
Animal lover + genetics fanatic! I know too much about a lot including dogs, rabbits, fish, and horses, and am looking to expand my knowledge on chickens.
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    Reactions Given: 100

    We're so glad you like your member's stuff! Keep it up!
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    Content you have posted has attracted 100 positive reactions.
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    Reactions Given: 50

  4. 10

    Reactions Received: 50

    Obviously you're pretty likable!!
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    Reactions Received: 25

    Your messages have been positively reacted to 25 times.
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    Reactions Given: 1st

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    Reactions Received: 10

    Your messages have been positively reacted to 10 times!
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    Reactions Received: 1st

    Somebody out there reacted to one of your messages. Keep posting like that for more!
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