Recent content by ScottieRanch

  1. ScottieRanch

    What Am I?

    When we first got "Him" he was in with an older more dominant Roo. We gave the older Roo away and he's been with 7 young hen's for the last 6 weeks or so. No crowing, thank goodness. I guess I will have to find him a new home, as I'm not supposed to have roosters. But if he never crows...
  2. ScottieRanch

    What Am I?

    Illia, that is what I am beginning to believe too. The pointy feathers and the comb being so red and growing lol. No eggs yet, but funny thing is . . . It doesn't CROW!
  3. ScottieRanch

    What Am I?

    Thanks! Hen or Roo?
  4. ScottieRanch

    What Am I?

    [/img] Could anyone please tell me the breed and gender of this chicken? Thank you!
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