Recent content by Scrambled Days

  1. Scrambled Days

    Help! Buff Orpington Rooster Problem!!!

    We looked his symptoms up, could it be anemia?
  2. Scrambled Days

    Help! Buff Orpington Rooster Problem!!!

    His poop started being like that just this week. I have checked his crop in the morning and it is emptying properly. Country Road layer crumbles with corn, sunflower seed, and clam shell pieces.
  3. Scrambled Days

    Sneezing hens (only symptom) been going on for months! Any ideas?

    Yeah us too, we live right by elkhart. My chickens just suffer from the extreme cold, but they don't sneeze often.
  4. Scrambled Days

    Help! Buff Orpington Rooster Problem!!!

    Do you have any advice for what to clean the coop and roosts with?
  5. Scrambled Days

    Help! Buff Orpington Rooster Problem!!!

    Thank you! Do you have any advice for what to clean the coop and roost with?
  6. Scrambled Days

    Sneezing hens (only symptom) been going on for months! Any ideas?

    Could it be because of a bacterial infection, temperatures, or anther environmental problem?
  7. Scrambled Days

    Help! Buff Orpington Rooster Problem!!!

    Sunny is my rooster. Sunny has a very dark comb and very light colored wattles. He hasn't been acting normal and he doesn't protect his hens as much as he just sits under the deck or in the coop. His comb has frostbite which I've been treating ( i could use more suggestions on how to treat it)...
  8. Scrambled Days

    Help - Bullying/isolation question!

    We haven't dealt with much bullying in our chicken yard, but when they did bully each other, we found it best to just keep an eye on them. They wouldn't get lonely, but that's because we have 11 chickens and usually only 2 or 3 would be bullying everyone. Fran might get lonely because there's a...
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