Recent content by sladell1463

  1. sladell1463

    Need help with chicken major eye problem! Pics enclosed.

    I would suggest going to the web site for first state vet & in their web store I would buy ciloxan eye drops. It's somewhat expensive but is a much stronger optic antibotic than terrimycin. You may be able to save her eye by doing this. So far as the other chicken, she may have a cyst at her...
  2. sladell1463

    Need help with chicken major eye problem! Pics enclosed.

    I would suggest going to the web site for first state vet & in their web store I would buy ciloxan eye drops. It's somewhat expensive but is a much stronger optic antibotic than terrimycin. You may be able to save her eye by doing this. So far as the other chicken, she may have a cyst at her...
  3. sladell1463

    Naked Neck with Bowel Troubles [Graphic Descriptions] *UPDATE* PHOTO

    You can use monistat suppositories. Insert one each evening for 3 days. That is if you get the 3 day treatment package. It's best to wait till she goes to roost in the evening so the medicine will stay in her & have a chance to work. Spray her rear with iodine for the next 4 to 5 days & use...
  4. sladell1463

    hatching eggs from Coccidiosis chickens??

    They get the disease from pecking at fecal matter from other chicken with coccidiosis. It's actually a protozoan that's a parasite.
  5. sladell1463

    Hen with swollen face **pic included**

    Yes. Rub it on her beak near her nostrils & some under each wing where she might put her head when sleeping. It'll help open up her nasal passage like it does for people
  6. sladell1463

    Questions about questionable barn birds: How bad is this?

    I'm assuming all 4 are hens. Did the previous owner have a rooster with them? It looks like rooster treading & molting. I've got some that look worse than that. I usually seperate them from the rooster to give the feathers a chance to grow back. Their feathers are growing back in pretty good &...
  7. sladell1463

    crusty yellow stuff on vent corners

    Sounds definitely like vent gleet which is an over run of yeast once the intestine gets out of kilter. Oral antibiotics won't help & may make it worse by killing off more of the good bacteria in her digestive system. You need to give her probiotics in her water & plain yogurt in her food. Also...
  8. sladell1463

    Hen with swollen face **pic included**

    Doxycycline is a better choice. Also vet rx would also help. Don't know if it's available in the UK. It's like a mentholated rub for chickens.
  9. sladell1463

    sick sick hen, please offer suggestions

    Sounds like vent gleet which is a yeast infection of the lower intestinal tract. The green in the poop is bile which is an indicator that she's not eating. Vent gleet is hard to clear up but here's what I've done in the past. First I segregate the hen from the rest of the flock in order to...
  10. sladell1463

    Big and mean

    My husband usually uses a 22 rifle with standard 22 bullets & shoote them in the head right behind the eye. Dont care for cutting head off. There's just something bout decapitating a living thing - no problem with it once theyre dead. I only wish they didn't flop around forever once they're...
  11. sladell1463

    Big and mean

    Maybe he got word bout what was coming down the line for him & he stroked out. Something may have spooked him in the run & he fatally injured himself when he freaked out trying to get away from the real/imaginary threat.
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