Recent content by sndroberts889

  1. sndroberts889

    Help please! Rooster swallowed fishing line with hook attached!!

    Hi , I just found your post about your chicken. I'm curious to know how it all turned out. I just found my favorite chicken with the same thing! Swivel hanging out, pretty much sure the hook was in her stomach. I pulled gently and it wasn't coming out so my husband and I cut the line as close...
  2. sndroberts889

    Cold snap in michigan with new baby and mamma hen

    Azygous, Thank you for your response. :) She's had 3 other batches of chicks but never in this cold of weather. I'll stop being a "broody hen" and leave them where they are.
  3. sndroberts889

    Cold snap in michigan with new baby and mamma hen

    Wondering anyone's thoughts on what I should do. We have a new baby chick that one of our hens hatched. I check on them often, baby seems to be doing ok however, as much as mom tries the baby doesn't seem to want to come out from under her to eat, drink, etc. It has turned quite cold here and...
  4. sndroberts889

    Do Your Baby Chicks Really Need Marek's Vaccination?

    I'm curious too. We will hopefully have new babies in a couple weeks that momma hen will be hatching. I do not want to have to take the babies away from mom and isolate them. :(
  5. sndroberts889

    Vanilla Extract Question... ANYONE???

    I have a recipe that an old friend gave me several years ago - you take 2 vanilla beans and slice them a couple of times lengthwise. Add them to a 5th of Vodka and put it in a cool dark place. Her advice to me was to put the date on the vodka label. Every once in a while shake the bottle...
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