Recent content by Sockerjo

  1. Sockerjo

    Sponsored Post Three tips to enhance chick gut health

    This is exactly what I have been wanting to find, some natural way of keeping worms at bay! Ordered the Pack today.
  2. Sockerjo

    Do Mama Hens Regurgitate for their Young?

    I just witnessed my chicken who has not laid an egg yet, regurgitate and then eat it herself, Kind of a yellow/green vomit looking stuff. I hope she isn't sick.
  3. Sockerjo

    What are Your Chickens Named?

    Brownish Red Sex Link named Flossie, after my grandma. White Rock name Snow, picked by my granddaughter. Barred Rock named Priscilla, picked by my son. Just lost our Americauna, Little Jolie, don't know what happened to her. She showed symptoms and died 12 hours later.
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