Recent content by Sonnetray

  1. S

    2 hens dead in 5 days with no obvious injuries

    Thank you for your reply and Yes this is exactly how Sonnet was acting and I was sure she was broody. She wasn’t laying any eggs either once she was separated just sitting on everyone else’s eggs and hogging the preferred nesting box. I am in NH so we don’t have any scorpions, but we did just...
  2. S

    2 hens dead in 5 days with no obvious injuries

    Thank you all so much for your help and advice! I hope I don’t lose anymore of my girls. Just a thought- has anyone ever had spiders or bees or anything that pose a danger to their chickens? I haven’t seen any but it was kind of strange and it may be coincidental but when I say Ray this morning...
  3. S

    2 hens dead in 5 days with no obvious injuries

    So I have a mixed flock of what was 13 hens. They are almost a year old. We got them as day old chicks and they were vaccinated with the vaccines offered at Murray McMurray. I have been raising chickens now for almost 6 years. My last flock was only 5 hens, and they all lived for 5-6 years and...
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