Recent content by spottendogrun

  1. spottendogrun


    I had just bought a few at the beginning of the month at Home Depot in Shorewood.
  2. spottendogrun

    Long time lurker and tiny dinosaur enthusiast

    I have not yet built the run, which I have acquired 1/2 inch hardware cloth for. I was looking at some of the dog kennel conversions some others have posted about (with hardware cloth along the bottoms) but am worried about them still having gaps. I really want my girls to have a fort knox of a...
  3. spottendogrun

    Long time lurker and tiny dinosaur enthusiast

    I think I will! Thank you!
  4. spottendogrun

    Long time lurker and tiny dinosaur enthusiast

    I am building in my basement, and am finding each piece very heavy. Everything is coming out in pieces, and reassembled on site. I am close to 300 pounds of weight and my ultimate goal was to make it mobile for year to year. I have wheels, ten inch, for eventually moving it around, I just need...
  5. spottendogrun

    Long time lurker and tiny dinosaur enthusiast

    Hello fellow feathered friends, I wanted to introduce myself, not just because it's suggested, but because it's such a great community and I wanted to dive right in [even though I still dont' have chickens...yet (June 23!)] When I was younger, I would be sent to Mexico for the summer, to get to...
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