Recent content by Srod79

  1. Srod79

    Ended 11th Annual EHAL - Contest #3: Cutest Baby Fowl - Win a Brinsea Incubator!

    This mallard duckling was hatched by my French Marans hen Natalie and was approx 3 days old♥
  2. Srod79

    Introducing new guineas and when to let out?

    Yes, all adults are males for sure! Its pretty exciting to hear the females calling now! The world is right and all are flocked perfectly! Thanks for your comment!
  3. Srod79

    Introducing new guineas and when to let out?

    Hey Elk! Thank you! I our grown boys stuck around for 3 days with our littles, there are multiple females. I let them all out on the fourth morning and they have been right as rain ever since! They flock together perfectly and they travel well, and spend more time on our property! Absolutely...
  4. Srod79

    Introducing new guineas and when to let out?

    We have 7 grown guinea males that have been doing bug duty on our property(and the neighbors) for 7 months now. I purchased 10, 10 week old keets last week as Last ditch effort to keep the "boys" on our property more. Our boys have been staying close to the keets, as I know there are females in...
  5. Srod79

    Injured Guinea

    You are awesome Elk! Thanks for the rescue!
  6. Srod79

    Injured Guinea

    That sounds good. Hang on lady guinea!
  7. Srod79

    Injured Guinea

    Hey Kasey, I don't have an answer for you unfortunately, hopefully the elk guy will see and comment, he is very helpful with guinea questions. We have 9 adult males and one of them is missing a foot, apparently tried to get out a window of his previous coop. His name is "Lucky", as he does...
  8. Srod79

    Introducing myself new member

    Welcome to the flock!
  9. Srod79

    Help needed

    Ours will be hardware cloth, we just shopped around for the best deal.
  10. Srod79

    Free male

    Would take him if you were in Kansas
  11. Srod79

    Are Guineafowl a smart choice?

    Planning to add more this fall and balance the Guinea scale. Got only males to start for ticks specifically.
  12. Srod79

    Hello from Tennessee

  13. Srod79

    Are Guineafowl a smart choice?

    We have 10 guineas and 21 chickens, at the moment the guineas are on week 1 of 3 for acclimating to our new home. Our guineas are all males and as you can see are penned right next to the chickens. Thus far, I have seen no kerfuffles between the two, but they have not been let out to forage yet...
  14. Srod79

    Guinea Fowl not eating / sitting alot

    Guineas are a flock bird, I would imagine that he is depressed with no other guineas around. I was told to start with no less than 6 guineas at a time, more than that is better. Find him a guinea buddy would be my suggestion. good luck, hope he perks up!
  15. Srod79

    Hello from the mountain

    Welcome homesteaders! Dig yout style!
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