Recent content by StablerBoys

  1. StablerBoys

    Help! Our Styroforn incubator is not Humid enough

    Thanks Lazy Gardener. We are on Day 3 now and the humidity is staying between 32%-45%. Going to try adding some sponges to the bottom. The boys have been stoked. :-)
  2. StablerBoys

    Help with 4H presentation?

    The University of Nebraska-Lincoln link moved to: Good Luck :-)
  3. StablerBoys

    Help! Our Styroforn incubator is not Humid enough

    Thanks folks. I have the lower troughs filled. it just may be the Hygrometer portion being faulty. Time to get a new one, I think. This was was supposed to be "like new", but I think it was just a faulty return
  4. StablerBoys

    Help! Our Styroforn incubator is not Humid enough

    We borrowed a Styrofoam Incubator from a friend. We have everything set, but I cannot get the humidity above 30%! Pleas help. I am stuck and I really want the boys to have a successful hatching!
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