Recent content by Stokes689

  1. Stokes689

    2 month old chicken pooping blood?

    Thank you so much I'm shocked/scared Do you know what it is or how to prevent it?
  2. Stokes689

    2 month old chicken pooping blood?

    Yes I do have corid I cleaned up the poo but this is how bad it stained
  3. Stokes689

    2 month old chicken pooping blood?

    Hey everyone I'm worried my little girl is pooping blood,like found a little puddle of blood and looked like a piece of meat(sorry for gory details)WHAT IS THIS? (I'm thinking)she is eating and keeping up with the flock that is free range and not limping and of course still to young to lay,but...
  4. Stokes689

    Comment by 'Stokes689' in media 'IMG-5292.jpg'

  5. 20200416_101437.jpg


    Sapphire Gem 4 week old chick
  6. Stokes689

    Can some one tell me what this is and any solutions🤔

    I am posting this again because no solutions came to me that were long lasting and I'm worried She is walking odd eating laying but her butt looks like this and I can smell her from across the coop
  7. Stokes689

    Ewwy gooey smelly butt?

    I'll be sure to do that asap thank you so much I do wish there was some permanent treatment because I have already done this too
  8. Stokes689

    Probiotics for baby chicks?

    yes probiotics help chicks get a fresh start in more ways then one.I suppose it is possible to help with pasty butt since it helps with digestion.I heard that raw just plain jane oatmeal is a good solution to pasty butt.I have cute fluff balls my self right now and i clean them if i notice any...
  9. Stokes689

    Holding a chicken

    Thank you for your reply I'll be sure not to do it unless absolutely necessary
  10. Stokes689

    Holding a chicken

    Ok thank you will be sure to avoid it unless necessary
  11. Stokes689

    Ewwy gooey smelly butt?

    Hello everyone I hope today is treating you well.My Americana hen has had this problem for awhile and I dont know what to do about it I have tried applying blue coat,cleaning coop and sanitizing it and even giving her corid and LA 200.These were all suggestions from friends at school or from...
  12. Stokes689

    Holding a chicken

    Hey everyone does it hurt the chicken when you pick them up by there legs,like when they are flogging you to get them to stop or to apply medicine on the vent or feet?
  13. Stokes689

    Comment by 'Stokes689' in media '562D79AD-DB5F-4717-A7F9-E2F72C8300F7.jpeg'

    I think that is so cute when chickens take a dust bath
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    Americana and bantam shared a nest successfully bantam was brooding and helga wanted to lay one of her blue eggs P.S I do have other nesting boxes they just all like this one
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