Recent content by sunsetfarm

  1. sunsetfarm

    Sour Crop? Help

    Thanks. I'm not so much against it as cautious after reading several horror stories. The lady is sleeping now but very weak, I'd be surprised to find her alive in the morning. Bummer
  2. sunsetfarm

    Sour Crop? Help

    Thanks for consolidating that topic...I hadn't seen the monistat thread. Have you or anyone every 'vomited' a chicken? I've read that its necessary for sour crop and I've read that its easy to kill(aspirate) a hen doing the vomiting.... I'm torn, this is a 8 year old hen who doesn't need to...
  3. sunsetfarm

    Sour Crop? Help

    Hello poultry peeps......crisis mode here with my 8 year old "B" very sick with what seems to be sour crop... She is going downhill as I have been massaging her crop and isolating her. Not eating or drinking but I did give her a little dredge to keep her somewhat nourished. All the feathers on...
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