Recent content by SusanW

  1. SusanW

    Barred rock chick question

    Ah, interesting. It sure is going to be fun to watch it grow up and see if it changes or remains a brat!
  2. SusanW

    Barred rock chick question

    We only have one hen and incubated one egg a day from her (all the chicks come from the same gene pool). Chick #3 is smaller and stands more upright than the others BUT is by far the most aggressive and active. It pecks everyone and took off running as soon as we put it in the brooder with the...
  3. SusanW

    First one in the brooder!

    #3 is in the brooder! We are 3 for 3 so far.
  4. SusanW

    First one in the brooder!

    Good luck! Those are SO pretty! (Ours are Barred Rocks)
  5. SusanW

    Thank you for the to intervene or not intervene help!

    Thanks! This is stressful but fun. We bought our chicks at the feed store last time, but are excited to hatch our own this year!
  6. SusanW

    Thank you for the to intervene or not intervene help!

    #2 is still thriving and #3 hatched this morning too! 3 for 3!!
  7. SusanW

    First one in the brooder!

    Yes! Very good. The look on my 17 and 13yo daughters' faces when they saw #1 pop out was worth it all. Even though they've seen it before, this one is theirs!
  8. SusanW

    Thank you for the to intervene or not intervene help!

    Chick #2's shell actually ended up shattering on one side (weak shell?) at 2pm (it pipped at 4am) but the chick did not come out. We were scared to intervene and researched tons of great info here. About four hours after the shell shattered, we noticed the chick seemed weaker and the membrane...
  9. SusanW

    First one in the brooder!

    Thank you! #2 is in the brooder and #3 pipped sometime around 4am. I don't think I've ever done anything so equally stressful and exciting.
  10. SusanW

    First one in the brooder!

    After our horrid chicken disaster last summer (dog killed 5 of 6) we rescued a rooster for our lonely hen. Suffice it to say, she was lonely no more. We put three consecutive eggs in the incubator, waited three days and added three more. All appear to be fertile and growing right along...
  11. SusanW


    I'm on Whidbey Island, in Coupeville. LOTS of chicken people here - we have an annual Coop Tour! ~Susan
  12. First egg - laid 9/7/2012

    First egg - laid 9/7/2012

  13. Turkey eggs

    Turkey eggs

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