Recent content by Sweden chick

  1. S

    Any hope? 2 day old chick not spradled ot tendon...i think

    it's My Fifth batch, not new to chickens. I had slow ones before but this one is just not right unfortunately.
  2. S

    Any hope? 2 day old chick not spradled ot tendon...i think

    Arrived on day 19 lone sorvivar of roughly shipped JG eggs. First 5 days in chinabator, after that Brinsea. Couldnt get out of egg, thought at first just weak but next day still unable to walk. Couldnt find obvious reasons, tendon seems fine, Not spradled. Problem seems to be that he doesnt have...
  3. S

    Is shipping harder on large eggs,?

    I have had 6 batches of eggs shipped to me, JG, brahma and Amrock. The JG eggs are frequently just scrambled:( and seem to have a harder time in the mail system. They're in transit for 6 days. Is this something typical for JG or any large egg like ducks for instance? Apart from that sellers...
  4. S

    Pic, airsac pointy end shipped egg and moving day 18 HELP

    Thanks Huntmaster! The incubators are gone and i've bought a Brinsea 56ex. I did have extra thermometer and hydrometers in the machines. One went far too high and hit; ver 40,5degrees several times ( not this hatch) and both couldnt control humidity somehow.
  5. S

    Pic, airsac pointy end shipped egg and moving day 18 HELP

    Ok... didnt make it ofcourse. I eggtopsyd all remaining eggs and all had way too much thick yellow fluid. They drowned is my conclusion. I think due to uncontrollable high humidity. I'll post the photos beginning with the egg on the video
  6. S

    Pic, airsac pointy end shipped egg and moving day 18 HELP

    4 have now hatched, one zipping ( day 22 now) couple of more eggs filled, movement but watery so giving them longer. These were eggs shipped from Netherlands to Sweden (6 day journey) When zipper one is done i will candle the other eggs
  7. S

    Should I help chick hatch?

    Had one like that yesterday, waited for chewing to stop then helped it, membrane was stuck to him, stil had to peel some off today
  8. S

    Pic, airsac pointy end shipped egg and moving day 18 HELP

    Its absolutely the same egg, cant miss it because of the wax
  9. S

    Pic, airsac pointy end shipped egg and moving day 18 HELP

    You,'re right about the fluid, i have a horrible sailnovo incubator that has a mind of its own :he got a brinsea yesterday so this; one is going out!. Couldnt get it to work right
  10. S

    Pic, airsac pointy end shipped egg and moving day 18 HELP

    So day 21 and chick is still alive, no pip
  11. S

    Pic, airsac pointy end shipped egg and moving day 18 HELP

    I had decided to compromise this time, marked all the aircells and put them aircell up at 45degrees:confused:
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