Recent content by texasmomma

  1. texasmomma

    Buying a house

    Oh yes! Marek's. That was what I worried about. It's been several years since I have had chickens. I do not believe that they have had chickens at this location. Ducks yes. Guinea fowl yes. There is plenty of work to do in the house, that I may not have time for animals outside for a while...
  2. texasmomma

    Buying a house

    We won't use any existing coops, etc, because they aren't there. I don't know where the guineas live. There should be a way to "detox" the land, though. Hm. It's possible that I could add some sort of organic material and let it compost for a period of time. It's a lot of dirt to do that with...
  3. texasmomma

    Buying a house

    I'm not worried about inside the house. I'm worried about possible coccidiosis on the land and giving that to new chicks.
  4. texasmomma

    Buying a house

    We are looking at a house where they have raised chickens, ducks, and guinea. The animals will not be staying. We will start our own flock from baby chicks. What should I do to the property before raising our own chicks? I don’t know if they vaccinate their animals, but I would guess no. Thanks
  5. texasmomma

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    I posted a few days ago about some mixed breedchickens I got from a friend. 1 is a different color than the rest, and seems fine. The other three seem to have a soft spot on their shoulders. I'm assuming crop until I find otherwise. I bought them together. They all hatched together. They are...
  6. texasmomma

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    heh We live on a little less than an acre in the suburbs. Chickens are a no-no here. We called our coops "stealth coops". LOL I'm thinking about getting some sheep. I am not always a rule follower.
  7. texasmomma

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    I'm assuming they are a full crop, unless they start to look different. It's hard to tell when they are going through this baby molt. I'm hoping that if I don't get into a heritage breed, that I can manage myself. We had a flock of 26 plus some assorted roosters at one point. It was nice that...
  8. texasmomma

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    I haven't been around here for at least a year. We re-homed our flock of bielefelders, cream legbars, and our own cream felders (bielefelder x cream legbar) as it was getting to be too much for me. I had a 1 year old baby and a senior in high school, and 5 other kids to manage. I hadn't really...
  9. texasmomma

    Cream Legbar Hybrid Thread

    They are auto sexing. The cross hen will produce either a green or brown egg, depending on the genes of the hen.
  10. texasmomma

    A Bielefelder Thread !

    ROFL HAHAHA I'm not even going to correct that one. :)
  11. texasmomma

    A Bielefelder Thread !

    I have some biel/cereal legbar mixed chicks with one male out of the group. I also picked up a Plymouth Rock female pullet. They are both always in the feed bin.
  12. texasmomma

    A Bielefelder Thread !

    I like these steps. We do chicken nipples on a bucket, too, but I like the horizontal ones best. They drip less and my chicks are able to use them almost immediately...
  13. texasmomma

    A Bielefelder Thread !

    I do fermented feed year round here in Texas. My birds eat it well and there is no waste.
  14. texasmomma

    A Bielefelder Thread !

    The last time we had a broody bielefelder momma, she kept her chicks with her for quite a while. This time, not so much. The chicks were hatched around March 11. Some were 3-5 days older because I got them at the feed store. The momma already has them outside and down the ramp.
  15. texasmomma

    Squirrel Invasion

    Squirrels are currently still up in the rafters and haven't wandered down. Will see how this plays out. Not sure how we will be able to keep the squirrels out of the rafters as there is quite a bit of airflow at the top of the coop. ;) Once they get a little bigger, we may move them elsewhere...
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