Recent content by Thamra

  1. Thamra

    Java Thread

    All 8 of our eggs have now hatched. It seems that one of the youngest ones has a bad leg, it isn't standing or walking too well. I don't think it's going to be a happy ending for this little chick, but the other 7 are doing great. Thanks for some great eggs zephyrcreek!
  2. Thamra


    Quote: Here's a link to the picture of the rooster. Like I said, I'm not positive he's a silver leghorn, just my best guess. I'm no expert! Drat! I refuse to make a facebook! So I cant see the picture. I betcha...
  3. Thamra


    Quote: Here's a link to the picture of the rooster. Like I said, I'm not positive he's a silver leghorn, just my best guess. I'm no expert!
  4. Thamra


    Hi, I have a couple of roosters that need new homes. Hoping somebody close by might have room for them? The first is a young frizzle rooster. He just started calling, so he is very young. He has shown a little bit of agression towards some of our youngest standard sized pullets. Nothing...
  5. Thamra

    Java Thread

    Well, six of eight have now hatched, and they are all very active and healthy. One more has pipped, and the last one is cheeping. I think we're going to be at a 100% hatch rate! Will take pics tomorrow!
  6. Thamra

    Java Thread

    I'm so glad we found this thread! We're hatching our first black javas right now, and I was trying to find some more information about them. Zephyrcreek, we bought our eggs from your eBay auction! We received 8 eggs. 3 have hatched, and the other five have all pipped, on day 19! It's crazy...
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