TheyBeChillin's latest activity

  • TheyBeChillin
    TheyBeChillin reacted to lomine's post in the thread Shy Puppy? with Love Love.
    We've gone nearly every week for the last year+ to various classes. It's all very low key for us, just fun things to do. He likes doing...
  • TheyBeChillin
    TheyBeChillin replied to the thread Shy Puppy?.
    Thank you! That is so awesome what all you have done with your dog! When my Sheltie is a little older, I’d really like to get him...
  • TheyBeChillin
    TheyBeChillin reacted to lomine's post in the thread Shy Puppy? with Love Love.
    I agree with the others that it sounds like he is insecure and reacts aggressively. Sounds like he's okay with certain people and I...
  • TheyBeChillin
    TheyBeChillin replied to the thread Shy Puppy?.
    We have a German Shepherd that is very reactive on a leash- attacked by some dog. Owner refused to realize the fact that his dog was...
  • TheyBeChillin
    TheyBeChillin replied to the thread Shy Puppy?.
    Thank you! Yes, he does better on walks when he is worn out/familiar with the place. He gets more stressed walking on a leash than he...
  • TheyBeChillin
    TheyBeChillin reacted to SandyRiverChick's post in the thread Shy Puppy? with Love Love.
    You're right hes not aggressive, he's just reactive. I just got back from taking my Leonberger pup to a dog friendly resort...
  • TheyBeChillin
    TheyBeChillin reacted to Ilovemychicks08's post in the thread Shy Puppy? with Love Love.
    I have a semi reactive golden. He does okay in stores, in our yard and while camping, but walks trigger him. He has almost been...
  • TheyBeChillin
    TheyBeChillin replied to the thread Shy Puppy?.
    Thank you!! Yes, he did better on the trail today. It was his second time going on it, and also there were less people.
  • TheyBeChillin
    TheyBeChillin reacted to MrsEarthern's post in the thread Shy Puppy? with Love Love.
    Your dog might be exhibiting anxiety. Trails in particular are a stimulation overload, when you consider the new smells, sounds, and...
  • TheyBeChillin
    I’m here about my Sheltie again 😅 So, I know you have to socialize shelties because they are shy dogs. We have taken him in some stores...
  • TheyBeChillin
    TheyBeChillin replied to the thread Dog Chasing Chickens.
    Thank you!! I’m still in school, and I work couple hours most nights, but after school lets out maybe I could get him into some puppy...
  • TheyBeChillin
    TheyBeChillin reacted to lomine's post in the thread Dog Chasing Chickens with Love Love.
    I had my dog on a long line for the first few months. I didn't always hold the other end, but it was there if I needed it. He was doing...
  • TheyBeChillin
    TheyBeChillin replied to the thread Dog Chasing Chickens.
    Thank you!! Yes, I’ve noticed how smart they are! He knows to sit, down, stay ( we’re working on longer distances with staying ), and...
  • TheyBeChillin
    TheyBeChillin reacted to SandyRiverChick's post in the thread Dog Chasing Chickens with Love Love.
    I love Shelties! I used to show them for a breeder. They are incredibly smart! That herding DNA is strong so it's what he wants to do...
  • TheyBeChillin
    TheyBeChillin replied to the thread Dog Chasing Chickens.
    Thank you! I have a German Shepherd that leaves them alone because she views them as part of the “ pack. “ I was hoping maybe she might...
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