Recent content by tiffhope

  1. tiffhope

    Please help diagnose our poor chicken! Anything else we can try?

    Thanks so much for your reply cafarmgirl... we can't help but keep our hopes up be we agree it doesn't look promising. Thanks for the support.
  2. tiffhope

    Please help diagnose our poor chicken! Anything else we can try?

    Breed:Rhode Island Red chicken Age: 3 years old Where they live: We have 8 chickens who graze in a forest area in Washington State. They eat Scratch and Peck feed (the best/local feed we have), some corn for fun, bugs, and green plants. They have quite the perfect life, I have to say...
  3. tiffhope

    Ameraucana has bumblefoot?

    Great job geprgiawc!!:) thanks for the great duct tape wisdom!!
  4. tiffhope

    Possible Egg-yolk Peritonitis :( Advice, please.

    Our chicken had this in the fall when she was molting. Her crop was very bloated and her rear end also. We ended up buying a baby nasal aspirator bulb and gave her a little olive oil enema and kept her only on water and fruit. We also isolated her inside in a box. She ended up living and doing...
  5. tiffhope

    Ameraucana has bumblefoot?

    We found one of our Aeraucanas walking very slowly today and saw she has sores on both feet (one worse than the other). We've done some internet research and it looks like bumblefoot. Both sides have brown/black scabs, however one foot is more swollen than the other. We decided to soak her...
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