Recent content by TimelessGG

  1. TimelessGG

    Closing coop door?

    Get an automatic door if you can.
  2. TimelessGG

    11 weeks old and living the good life

    Oh my goodness they look great! I think you have really nice photos. I too am really enjoying seeing their personalities develop. It’s fun since like you said we can see our each others girls are doing at the same age. I love seeing your precious pig with them!
  3. TimelessGG

    11 weeks old and living the good life

    Oh my goodness! That’s the sweetest thing she has her own perch and you feed her from it. That’s interesting my Easter Egger is like that too. We try to give ours treats separately too. I have come close to being whacked! Too funny and not funny when it finally happens! 😂
  4. TimelessGG

    11 weeks old and living the good life

    That’s great you are so accommodating to your chickens that one even gets to sleep alone. Our younger chickens are still sleeping separately from our older ladies.
  5. TimelessGG

    11 weeks old and living the good life

    Thank you! I appreciate the feedback. I love silkies. I bet she is fun to watch. Matilda seems to enjoy herself, so I’m glad it can just be a personality thing. ☺️
  6. TimelessGG

    11 weeks old and living the good life

    The personalities are developing more each week. Betty my Buff is very front and center, me, me, me. The one Barred with the smaller comb seems to be at the top of the pecking order since she’ll steal treats from the others. Matilda our Easter Egger is so sweet and has pretty feathers. I have...
  7. TimelessGG

    The threat was not real 😂

    My thoughts exactly .😂
  8. TimelessGG

    The threat was not real 😂

    My friend asked me if chicks can fly. Yes, yes they can. Betty thought something was coming for her, and then they all took flight. I couldn’t believe I got this photo! No chickens were harmed in the taking of this photo.
  9. TimelessGG

    Officially in coop full time

    Ours get supervised “free range” time too. The run is 8’x8’ and about 6 feet tall that our 3 older girls are in right now. I love that your girls get to roam with your pig.
  10. TimelessGG

    Officially in coop full time

    How big is your run? We are thinking about expanding ours.
  11. TimelessGG

    Officially in coop full time

    I need that one. We always call them tiny velociraptors.
  12. TimelessGG

    Officially in coop full time

    I love the decor! That last sign. 😂
  13. TimelessGG

    Officially in coop full time

    Will do! You as well!
  14. TimelessGG

    Officially in coop full time

    I have a really slow barred too. That’s too funny. 😂 Mine will do the same thing when I let them free range. My Orpington and the Easter Egger are usually the first to run outside. They sure are fascinating!
  15. TimelessGG

    Officially in coop full time

    They’re doing well! They love being outside. I do have a question for you. Have you figured out the pecking order? I cannot figure it out with my four.
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