Recent content by Tmedacco

  1. T

    All about Amberlinks!

    I adopted 6 amberlink hens all were pure white barely any brown or reds in her. Huge combs. And I was like Omgoodness they are Roos! Nope all 6 laid eggs the next morning none crow. I was flipping out. But they were never around people or other chickens or allowed to free range before me...
  2. T

    2 new roosters

    Currently I’m leaning towards. Floyd. As in pretty boy Floyd. And Spike from the cartoons What ya doing ? What ya doing? At least they like each other for now
  3. T

    2 new roosters

    I try to name them after their breed. It helps for ppl to remember what they are. Goofy. I know. I thought they were a mix because I saw the black legs like a maran has and I have a maran hen. I was all—partyyyy. I just love their colors
  4. T

    2 new roosters

    They still run from me. It’s hard to get a good picture.
  5. T

    Intro Tammie

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I got chickens this year in April. Totally new to it. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? I started with 9. Added 6 laying hens a month ago supposed to be amberlinks and then yesterday I got 2 roosters. 17 total for...
  6. T

    2 new roosters

    I was gifted 2 gorgeous roosters. They are simply too pretty. I asked them do you know what breed they are? And they didn’t know So I was ok with that as they were pretty and calm like my girls. A little younger not fully matured. I would be most appreciative to know what breed it could...
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