Recent content by TNchicknewbie

  1. TNchicknewbie

    Cleaning low area under the coop

    Unfortunately I can't raise it:( I have worried about the egg laying and figured I would use a rake like you did! However, I did not think about one crawling under there to die! I guess I'll cross that bridge when I come to it... I also do a daily inspection, especially since some of the birds...
  2. TNchicknewbie

    Cleaning low area under the coop

    Hi, I'm a new chicken owner. I was given 11 hens and 1 rooster of various ages and breeds that were used to true free ranging. We have a raised coop that is on a slight slope and the opening underneath varies from a few inches to about a foot of clearance. The chickens love to go under there...
  3. TNchicknewbie

    Design ideas for building a coop and covered run to allow weekend getaways

    Hi everyone, I'm new to posting but have been reading your posts for a long time! I need some advice/suggestions for building a chicken coop to house up to 20 chickens. This is a new farm (2 patient years in the making) with about 8 narrow acres of land with some hills and a few tree lines. I...
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