Recent content by Tooleman

  1. T

    Introducing new chickes to the older ones

    We do ours at night, I don't know why that matters but have always had good luck doing it that way.
  2. T

    Case of the missing chicks

    Never thought about humans... although we have been raising chickens for about 3 years and have never had any problems to this magnitude. Sure we have lost a few chickens to the normal problems, but nothing like this.
  3. T

    Case of the missing chicks

    Last night we lost 40 baby chicks. Like all 40 are gone, these chicks were only about 1 week old. They disappeared, no feathers, body parts, nothing. I looked around the coop we keep them in and I didn't see any signs of entry or traces of them. Has anyone experienced anything like this? We are...
  4. T

    Rising cost of chickens

    Last year I purchased Cornish crosses from Hoovers hatchery at the cost of $1.15 ea for 50 female chicks. I went to order them this year and the price is over double at $2.25 ea for 50.
  5. T

    Rising cost of chickens

    Has anyone else noticed the rising cost of buying baby chicks over the past year???
  6. T

    Raising Meat Birds in the summer heat

    My Question is if your suppose to keep the chicks at the temp of about 90 degrees while they are chicks wouldn't they be ok???
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