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  • Hey Toro, I just wanted you to know that you will always be someone special and important to me. Someone I will always respect.
    I was on the web one day, and I found your RP. This creative piece of writing of yours changed my life. During this time, I had no one. You introduced me to BYC, and I made so many friends.
    I was really happy you know? I thought I would meet these great people one day, and was sure that these people were ones that would always have my back. But like always, I begun to see the flaws in these people, I slowly drifted away.
    However, my new interest in RP brought me to another site. I've meet new people, and I know these people have my back. They aren't afraid to point out my flaws and help me improve, and they offer wise advice. I've been taking to this guy for a while now and we share many of the same interest. He is there to support me, and he always tells me the sweetest thing. Mouths ago, we admitted we liked each other.
    Its thanks to you that I met them
    Hahaha!!! Sort of, I've been working him for three years and he really feels like mine. I hope I can lease him. :3
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