Recent content by Tre Farms

  1. Tre Farms

    1st Time Hatching - Small Broody Hen - Counting Begins When?

    Hi There- Congrats on the new additions! I'd like to grow our flock and thought it might be easiest to just let the chickens do so naturally rather try to add to them. We have a rooster. What is the process? Just wait until one gets broody? When will that happen? Is there a minimum # of eggs...
  2. Tre Farms

    Stupid Hawks

    Hi- We just had a chicken attacked by a hawk. She lost an eye and was in pretty bad shape for about 24 hours, but she seemed to be recovering. We can't get her to eat or drink though, and I don't know how long she can go without food/water. Any ideas on how to help her?
  3. Tre Farms

    Duck attacked by racoon; beak tip is missing

    Actually, she is doing very well. Thankfully. She is back to her normal self, eating grass and such, so we are grateful.
  4. Tre Farms

    Duck attacked by racoon; beak tip is missing

    Thank you. Does she get enough food? Our duck eats first thing, but during the day, she isn't eating the grass like the other 2 ducks. Has your duck been okay not eating grass?
  5. Tre Farms

    Duck attacked by racoon; beak tip is missing

    We looked her over yesterday and didn't see anything else except some scratches on her face (not open wounds, though). She ate and drank this morning. They are in a fenced yard during the day and enclosed in a coop at night. We re-enforced the doors to the coop and covered the opening where we...
  6. Tre Farms

    Duck attacked by racoon; beak tip is missing

    We looked over her yesterday and didn't see anything else. Hoping just the beak. She ate and drank this morning.
  7. Tre Farms

    Duck attacked by racoon; beak tip is missing

    Our duck was attacked by a racoon (we think) Thursday night. Today we realized the tip of her beak is missing. She ate this morning, but is no longer eating at the grass. She just lays down with her head in her wing. To separate her from the other 2 ducks would be traumatic for her. Are we okay...
  8. Tre Farms

    Duck attacked by racoon; beak tip is missing

    Our duck fought off a racoon (we think) Thursday night and today we realized the tip of her beak is missing. Yesterday she seemed okay and ate this morning. She is not eating at the grass anymore and has spent most of the day with her head tucked beneath her wing. She and the other 2 ducks keep...
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