Recent content by tritis36

  1. tritis36

    Hello from California

    hahahaha... Yes, she is the mom. Too bad she can't talk to confess who is the dad :lol:
  2. tritis36


    Hello guys! Anyone from San Diego? I am looking for a friend for my female duck!
  3. tritis36

    Hello from California

    The one in the middle is the dad (hates dressing up and pictures), the one on the left is the "baby" since he was born, he was the biggest and chubbiest of all! Right now he weighs 44 pounds!
  4. tritis36

    Is it normal for ducks to lay so many eggs without a mate?

    Thank You! I feel so relieved now.
  5. tritis36

    Hello from California

    Hi! I am so excited to join BackYard Chickens! I have a female duck as a pet named Luca. (I thought she was a male until she laid her first egg). She is quite a figure! I also have 3 poodle dogs and was afraid to raise her with dogs in the house. But it turns out she is the boss. She is so...
  6. tritis36

    Is it normal for ducks to lay so many eggs without a mate?

    Hi! My duck is 3 years old and started laying eggs in her first year, However, she doesn't have a mate (which I know it is normal) but this year she has been laying an egg, sometimes two per day for over 3 months!! Is this normal? I never had a duck before, so I am totally clueless. I'm afraid...
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