Recent content by txbelle413

  1. txbelle413

    Problem Behaviors

    typo, i meant NOW having a good life
  2. txbelle413

    Problem Behaviors

    Update: Henrietta has gone to a new home with a bigger flock that contains older hens who act like roosters. This friend of a friend sent me updates and told me that Henrietta is fitting in nicely and that she got put in her place quickly, and is not having a very nice life and getting along...
  3. txbelle413

    Problem Behaviors

    I give them all treats and try to spend time with them often. I was never able to pick her up or even touch her before she was moved. I suppose I just need to be more persistent and hope for the best. I'm mostly worried about the bleeding feet part. Shoukd we just keep cleaning them and hope...
  4. txbelle413

    Problem Behaviors

    How do I do that?
  5. txbelle413

    Problem Behaviors

    Let me start by saying, I've only had chickens less than a year, so I'm still learning. I started with one RIR hen, Henrietta, that was in a coop by herself. She was given to me because she was being mean to my friend's kids and she just didn't want her anymore. She will charge at me sometimes...
  6. txbelle413


    I made the frozen corn popcicle things the other day for my girls when it got warm. They seemed excited about it at first but they lost interest halfway through. Maybe it just wasn't hot enough to melt before they got bored with it. It was worth a shot! I like the frozen water jug idea! I'll...
  7. txbelle413

    So many questions! I'm new to chickens. Please help me!

    There are much smaller holes in the wire covering the first coop and the hardware cloth stuff, it's just not easy to see in the picture. I haven't done anything to improve the coop I was given yet and I haven't had any problems but we plan on building a better coop and making that a temp for...
  8. txbelle413

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    Very first egg! It was so tiny and adorable. This was just last week, but I hadn't had a chance to post until now. And I figured out who the first to lay was!
  9. txbelle413

    So many questions! I'm new to chickens. Please help me!

    1. I give all the chickens treats most days like cherry tomatoes, lettuce, meal worms and such. I try to be non-threatening. If she is having a good day, I'll kinda crouch down to her level and hang out for a while not moving so she can get used to me. I always thank her for her eggs too. It...
  10. txbelle413

    Loudest breeds?

    My Rhode Island Red hen is very loud. She wakes us up some mornings that we sleep in and haven't checked on her first thing. My Barred Rock is definitely a talker too. I rarely ever hear a single little peep out of my Black Australorpe though.
  11. txbelle413

    So many questions! I'm new to chickens. Please help me!

    Let's start with some background info. I have one coop that was on my property when I bought it. It's about an 8ft x 8ft enclosure and we added 6 nesting boxes to it. I bought 3 pullets (about 15-20 weeks per hatchery) and put them in there. There is Dottie the SLW, Agnes the Australorpe...
  12. txbelle413

    What is your friendliest Chicken? What breed is it?

    Of my 4 birds, none are as friendly as I see most other people's birds being. My Barred Rock is the friendliest of them. She will walk up and look at me closely when I sit in the coop and she is the easiest to pick up. The SLW is the dominant bird in their coop and she doesn't really care if I'm...
  13. txbelle413


    My new little pullets, Blanche, Agnes, and Dottie. My RIR (or maybe production red?), Henrietta.
  14. txbelle413


    Hey, I'm new here and new to chickens. It was suggested that I check out this thread in the new members section. My fiancé and I live in Temple, TX (between Austin and Waco). We have our first little flock that includes a Red hen (not sure if Production or Rhode Island), a Black Australorpe...
  15. txbelle413

    Central Texas Newbie

    I just searched in Google for one of my many chicken questions and was brought to the learning center. I looked around and decided to stay.
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