Recent content by TxLinder

  1. TxLinder

    Sexing Buff Orpingtons

    Thanks! That's what we were seeing. Just wanted a second opinion.
  2. TxLinder


    Thanks so much!! I don't have any of those yet.
  3. TxLinder


    We got this rooster from someone in town. They got it from a hatchery in a lot of "good layers." Apparently he's not. Any idea what breed? Closest I can come up with is a mutt. A shot of his comb.
  4. TxLinder

    Sexing Buff Orpingtons

    11 weeks old BO. We are guessing cockerel. Thoughts?
  5. TxLinder

    What breed is this?

    Thanks for shedding some light on the subject. I just didn't know where to start!!
  6. TxLinder

    What breed is this?

    She came from TSC in a batch of White Rocks. We also have a Leghorn in the bunch. Pretty sure she's not either one... Anyone have any ideas, please?
  7. TxLinder

    Texas Auctions/Swaps?

    Following since I have the chicken fever - need more chickens!!
  8. TxLinder

    Post Pics of your Leghorns

    I have 6 white leghorns and I can't tell them apart. Well, one has an attitude, but not always. Anybody tag them or put a ankle braclet on them? Ideas of how to tell them apart?
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