Recent content by TXziarno

  1. TXziarno

    When do you collect your eggs?

    Mine lay all day it seems. I collect them at the end of each day around 5p. The go in each evening around 8:30p. I was gone for 2 days and my chicken sitter didn't collect the eggs, I forgot to mention it.... I didn't eat them, instead I soft scrambled them and fed it back to them...the loved...
  2. TXziarno

    can chickens eat citrus

    Texas getting hot now, but thank the chicken gods above, we haven't gotten the above 100s heat wave we had last summer! knock on wood... I give my sweethearts cold treats at least once each afternoon...cold fruit cocktail is one of them, I sometimes see pieces of pineapple in it and that's...
  3. TXziarno


    Oh, and they've grown so much in such little time!! They have feathers and their bodies look like little hens but their bodies look like pollitas...funny looking
  4. TXziarno


    Good day my fellow friends who are loves and adored by out feathered friens... anyone have any suggesting about keeping pollitas (spanish) cool in 80+ degrees night it's in the 50's and they stay in the coop under the heat lams, quite comfortable... they actually look quite...
  5. TXziarno


    ooooops!!!! HENSfortherapy it is....jeeejeje I think it may also be that I wouldn't check for eggs everyday and every so often i'd do an igloo check and there'd be one there, so it may have been one from the previous day, the neighbor chickens disappeared sometime in December, that's one of...
  6. TXziarno


    Hi ChickensForTherapy, yessssss, my Avatar is Ms.KornKorn, that was some time in October, her coop was one of those igloo shaped dog houses that I had in one of those 2-man dome shaped tents....however, she still would come in at night....she's a mama's girl...she used to lay 1-2 eggs everyday...
  7. TXziarno


    Here they are in their brooder, still warm and cozy, it's still about 65 outside, won't put them out til this afternoon, supposed to reach the high 70s and then corral them up again and bring them in for the night. Lookie lookie....
  8. TXziarno


    the coop part has 3 warming lights and bedded with pine shavings, their food is in there also the chicks are only 3 weeks so i had to section off the more open area, they huddle under the ramps until i sit out there with them, then they come out and disperse
  9. TXziarno


    Thank you so much all of you for the warm welcome!! After plenty of on-line surfing and asking around, I have successfully identified Ms.KornKorn as a RIR or Texas Red; apparently her kind is bred for meat....nonononon My cats both love her dearly and are very protective, if she is...
  10. TXziarno


    o my days!!! the poop thing!!! ewwwwwww!! I started by bringing her in at night and she had a spot in the bathroom, come morning i would put her back out and then again backin at night, it was so adorable, because when she'd see me at the gate at 7p-8p, she would "come a runnin'!!!" That began...
  11. TXziarno


    WOWWW!!! It's SO beautiful! It is SO PRETTY that I'm compelled to write my very first post!! Bravo to you ClovisMan, for yours, is an awesome coop... and somewhere in chickenland, I am sure that Ms. KornKorn's agenda is considered an awesome "coup" I am brand new to "fowl play"... I was...
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