Recent content by ValD001

  1. ValD001

    Silver Wyandotte?

    Thanks! I'm new to this so wasn't too sure!
  2. ValD001

    Silver Wyandotte?

    We just bought this sweet girl last week. I think she's about 4 months old. I'm guessing she's a Silver Wyandotte. Thoughts? We're slowly introducing her to our Rhode Island Red and with the cold weather (which is relative, since we're in AZ) I'm hoping they become buddies quickly so they...
  3. The girls love following me around in our little backyard.

    The girls love following me around in our little backyard.

  4. ValD001

    Handmade Chicken Walking Harnesses(Both a Standard and Bantam Size now Available!)

    I'd be interested in one of these also!
  5. ValD001

    New BYC Shirts - My Pet Makes Me Breakfast

    I agree with many of the replies...would love a woman's fit t-shirt. And a tank top!!!
  6. ValD001


    Good to know. We'll probably start looking this weekend. Just out of curiosity, when do pullets develop a red comb? We've seen the hen that we think is the lighter chick's mother and she has a really red comb (as well as dark tail feathers) so we had hoped all along that the chick would be a...
  7. ValD001


    Shoot, we really liked him. So once we find him another home, we'll want to get another one as a companion for the black one. Should we get one the same age as her? (sorry, probably a stupid question...we're still learning all about this new venture!)
  8. ValD001


    Thank you both! I was afraid the lighter one might be a cockerel but I've read that it's still too early to know for sure. So far "she" hasn't crowed and she doesn't seem to be dominant. We're keeping our fingers crossed because they're both turning out to be very sweet but if "she" is a "he"...
  9. ValD001


    I'm a brand new chicken owner. The chick in the back we rescued from a farm (abandoned by the mother) and the black one we picked up the next day as a companion. Any idea what breeds they may be? They were about 4 weeks old in this picture: They were about 8 weeks old in the following two...
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