Recent content by Valicia

  1. Valicia

    How much does your chicken weigh?

    What is the average weight of backyard chickens. One of my chickens are not laying, also does most people take their chicken to be.....I don't want to say it....I'm not sure of the proper word to use,
  2. Valicia

    MOLTING ATTACK! HELP- Now there is blood! what to do??

    Why do they attack the molting chicken? I had to separate one from the others, because they drew blood. I can't tell who is the leader. Once her feathers grow back, will she be able to return back with her sisters?
  3. Valicia

    Molting Chicken

    One of my chickens is molting, I had to separate her,because her sisters were pecking her, now she won't eat, she also have a limp, I checked the bottom of her feet and legs, I don't see anything. Please help
  4. Valicia

    Our girls won't eat layer pellets and act like they are starving all the time

    My chicken is molting, and won't eat the pellets, in fact I had to separate her,due to her sisters picking at her. Please help, I don't know what to do. I gave her boiled eggs to help with the protein.
  5. Valicia

    why are my chickens sleeping outside??????

    I have the same problem, although my girls are not free range, they have a nice size run and two nesting areas, that holds six full grown chickens comfortably. They were all raised together, and tonight three of my girls are sleeping on top of one the houses, why are they sleeping outside
  6. Valicia

    Blood in eggs

    Ok,I'm new to raising and selling eggs.I've been selling eggs since April of this year. My husband eat eggs everyday. A lady purchased a dozen of my brown eggs, she stated 6 of her eggs had blood in them, so my husband gave her money back. I did research on the blood in eggs. No one else has...
  7. Valicia

    Fly Control, anyone find something that works, and is chicken safe?

    Ok, I've been selling eggs since March of this year, today a lady told me that 6 of her eggs had blood in it, my husband and I eat eggs everyday and never had blood in our eggs, so my husband gave her money back, what do you think, no one else complained. Please help I am very new to this...
  8. Valicia

    Fly Control, anyone find something that works, and is chicken safe?

    It's been raining cats and dogs in my area, I do all I can to limit the flies, I will try the Vanilla freshners, I also have several mint plants, which helps with the mosquitos.
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