Recent content by VeraBlum

  1. VeraBlum

    Raising Baby Chicks

    I do not know what a cooperative or a TSC is.... Sorry I am really new to all this.
  2. VeraBlum

    Hello Everyone!

    Thank you very much!
  3. VeraBlum

    Raising Baby Chicks

    How do choose healthy baby chicks from, say, Rual King, or someplace like that? Is there a farm(?) in the area around Clarksville, KY that I can get chicks from?
  4. VeraBlum

    Hello Everyone!

    I am new to chicken rearing. When I was young my Grandmother had chickens and I loved feeding them an picking up the eggs. Now I have a 6 year old that would love to do the same. I found out about from
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