Recent content by Vickyg1971

  1. V

    silkie Rooster cross breeding with rhode Island Red?

    I just hatched a whole set of Rhode Island Red crossed with my black Silkie rooster ! This is the result ! Will be interesting to see how they mature.
  2. V

    Our goose tried to kill a chicken!!

    I have a very badly injured roo in quarantine right now because our gander beat the crap out of him. I am sure it’s because he was eating a chicken. He’s an asshole rooster but I still feel badly for him. Has hardly any feathers left and bruised from head to toe.
  3. V

    Feeding egg shells to geese?

    I bake and crush my chicken and goose egg shells and put them in a bowl in the coop. The geese love them when they are laying. My gander doesn’t touch them, just the females.
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