Recent content by vikkicatz

  1. vikkicatz

    Scratch/grit alternatives?

    I have a gosling that is around week old, no more than 1 1/2 weeks, by my estimation. S/he's doing great, eating well & happy. I know scratch & grit is needed for geese of a certain age, but i'm not sure exactly when to start, but this little thing has proven to be something of a picky eater...
  2. vikkicatz

    What/How much to feed my Gosling - Help!

    Thanks all! It has a "nest" with a heat lamp and two mirrors, which it snuggles up against very happily. We tried some stuffed toys, which it was not interested in, but it snuggled the mirror right away. It definitely wants to be with me and will happily nap in my lap, but its also very content...
  3. vikkicatz

    What/How much to feed my Gosling - Help!

    Exactly a week ago, we rescued a tiny baby "duck". Found out shortly after it was a gosling and probably less than 3 days old when we literally fished it drowning, all alone out the river (we live on the river, very fast current). Left it outside for a while, no one came for it and it was...
  4. vikkicatz

    GOSLING SCREAMING AT ME! how do I get a break?

    Hello there! New to this forum and to raising any kind of bird! But we now have a 10 day old gosling we rescued when it was a few days old. We're learning very quickly and I can say that you could try giving your gosling some mirrors to keep it company. We gave our little guy(girl?) a mirror in...
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