Recent content by webmistress32

  1. webmistress32

    Mother w one 6 day old chick, wants out of the isolation chamber

    I tried putting them out w the collective and I was way too worried. Everyone was very curious and they were mobbing the mom and baby. So I went with the integration cage setup. The cat carrier is full of nice straw like bedding like in their original nest. I hope they will load themselves into...
  2. webmistress32

    Can 7 Roos live in harmony?

    Tried it multiple times. You can delay the inevitable but you may have a lot of blood and dead birds before you come to the reasonable conclusion that one rooster per coop is more than enough. Maybe two ... maybe. But if you ever need to isolate one for medicating or anything else, never ever...
  3. webmistress32

    Mother w one 6 day old chick, wants out of the isolation chamber

    My coop run is HUGE, we call it a Pterodactyl cage it's so big. And all of our hens get along great and are pretty easy going all things considered.
  4. webmistress32

    Mother w one 6 day old chick, wants out of the isolation chamber

    This is where my head was going, was thinking to just put them out. I did think about switching the food to baby food, that would be the only way to work out the food thing. Thanks!!
  5. webmistress32

    Mother w one 6 day old chick, wants out of the isolation chamber

    I have a hen who hatched one chick (long story) and it's 6 days old. I put up a fence for them when I found the baby and they have 1/2 of my 8'x8' coop to themselves with their nest box all to themselves w food and water. The problem seems to be Mom wants out. She is taking great care of the...
  6. webmistress32

    Help me something happens with my chicks leg she can't walk now

    If her leg is hurt, keeping her quiet will help prevent it becoming worse. If its dislocated it will not heal itself. You will probably need to help it get back where it needs to go. If it's broken keeping it quiet will let it heal. If it's not lined up properly you can splint it with two tongue...
  7. webmistress32

    Help me something happens with my chicks leg she can't walk now

    Put her in a cat carrier where she can't run around or move much, I use hay for bedding. Put in food and water. Keep her somewhere like your barn or garage.
  8. webmistress32

    Older hen not well..thinking Internal Laying/EYP..also not clearing crop

    Right, so I just bought a quart jug of it (for horses, but I am sure it's the same thing; I had a mare on it years ago) I am wondering how to dose it to them? Add to their water? Is it nasty? will they drink it?
  9. webmistress32

    Older hen not well..thinking Internal Laying/EYP..also not clearing crop

    I just had a hen w slimy yellow poop. It's been going on for 4 days. On the first day she was found roosting while everyone else was outside in the evening before dark. Not normal. So I started her on broad spectrum antibiotics as she is old and breathing heavy and I suspected URI. The next...
  10. webmistress32

    Concerned about possible liver failure

    @topochico225 What was the resolution with this hen?
  11. webmistress32

    Butt blocked on Roo?

    Sorry about your rooster. I hope he's feeling better.
  12. webmistress32

    please help me figure out what to do!

    If you enjoy keeping her as a pet, keep her as a pet. Make sure she has food and water and gets her butt cleaned up regularly and the rest is gravy.
  13. webmistress32

    Hawk attack - broken neck?

    Hydration is the key to life. First few days, get a lot of fluids into her.
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