Recent content by Wendi-N-Jay

  1. Free Range with secure coop/run

    Free Range with secure coop/run

    Is a chicken coop ever really done? Lol! Not ours! We still have so many plans, like some painting, trim work, automation, etc. but we finished the front porch! I was so excited I had to share! The coop itself is 12x8, with a storage area of 4x8, a secured run of about 12x6&8x6. Then a free...
  2. Wendi-N-Jay

    Is "she" a "he"?

    So, here is an update! ALL three are roosters and #3 is the dominant one! He started crowning first and has a large following. The other SLW started crowing, a tiny bit, but likes to hide while #3, he shows off anytime someone comes around. The BA, has not even tried. I think he is going to try...
  3. Wendi-N-Jay

    Hello from Florida!!

    Thank you very much! I will plan to post more pics once it is completed. Still so much to do! LOL I have (3) Silver Laced Wyandottes (2 may be roosters) (4) Buffs (4) Golden Sex Links (5) Black Autralorps (1 may be a rooster) (5) Easter Eggers (2) I am really not sure what they are! LOL A...
  4. Wendi-N-Jay

    Hello from Florida!!

    I will send you an invite when it is ready!
  5. Wendi-N-Jay

    New chick. Not sure how to raise.

    If she is with the big chickens, she will follow them when you put all of them back. I used to bribe with treats!
  6. Wendi-N-Jay

    Hello from Florida!!

    HAHA! Might as well just add a kitchen! LOL! (Don't give me any ideas!!)
  7. Wendi-N-Jay

    Single chick

    LOL! Everyone makes fun of me for putting a radio in the coop! Originally it was there to keep predators away, but then I found, they really like the music! :-) Mine like Country!! ;-)
  8. Wendi-N-Jay

    New chick. Not sure how to raise.

    Hello! I read earlier that you have a rooster. When my broody hen was done raising her chicks, about 6 weeks old, she did the same thing. I had a camera in the coop to make sure they would be ok. They seemed to know their place. They tried to roost with big chickens, but were quickly pushed off...
  9. Wendi-N-Jay

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest Photo Submission Thread #2

    My SLW soaking up some sun Guess she doesn't like me hanging the feeder.
  10. Wendi-N-Jay

    Hello from Florida!!

    HAHA! Yes, I am sure everyone is tired of my pictures. I get so excited to share. If you are not a chicken person, you just don't get it! LOL
  11. Wendi-N-Jay

    Hello from Florida!!

    Thank you!! It is not even done yet but have enjoyed a few evenings out there!
  12. Wendi-N-Jay

    Hello from Florida!!

    Rocking chairs are definitely in the plan!! And to avoid the monster mesquites, we plan to screen in front porch too! Lol! I may never go home!!
  13. Wendi-N-Jay


    Hello from Pasco county (Dade City)
  14. Wendi-N-Jay

    Is "she" a "he"?

    That is kind of what I suspected. But 3 was enough questionable I thought I would post! Lol! So now my question would be, which make better roosters? I had an EE rooster before and he was fantastic. Have never have Australop or SLW roo.
  15. Wendi-N-Jay

    Hello from Florida!!

    Here are a few more pictures. Definitely a work in progress, but it keeps getting bigger and bigger! Lol! My husband decided he didn't want to NEED to add on when I get more, because he knows I will!
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