Recent content by WmMcCar

  1. W

    What got my ducks?

    Thank you! And we have fixed our Chicken coop with hardware cloth. We unfortunately don’t have ducks anymore but are working on fixing that coop incase I decide to get more. We haven’t had any issues since our last duck, my husband really thinks the second one died on its own before the predator...
  2. W

    What got my ducks?

    Nope no evidence left behind, just the duck. And thank you, they were my babies.
  3. W

    What got my ducks?

    Yes we will be fixing everything to protect them, as first time chicken and duck owners we’ve learn our lesson.
  4. W

    What got my ducks?

    Yes I have ordered some, and some cameras. We also are fixing our chicken coops and runs this weekend. We more wanted to have an idea of what it was so we could trap it.
  5. W

    What got my ducks?

    I’m in Western Washington. So the possible culprits are Raccoons, Coyote, Red foxes, Minks, Weasels, opossums, Skunks, Eagles, Hawks, Owls, bobcats (only seen a couple times in my life), Cougars and we have a stray cat running around. Most of it was chicken wire because our local stores haven’t...
  6. W

    What got my ducks?

    I did not see any evidence left behind. The coop/run wasn’t covered for the first one but it was covered for the second one, there were a couple spot that we found around the run where something could have gotten in. And would a raccoon attack during day light?
  7. W

    What happened to my ducks?

    I’ve lost my 2 jumbo Pekin ducks just days apart. I found My first duck about 4 days ago and she was out of her pen when I found her, she was about 20 feet from it. She was missing her feather, skin and meat off her back. She was also missing tail and neck feathers. She had a big puncher wound...
  8. W

    What got my ducks?

    I’ve lost my 2 jumbo Pekin ducks just days apart. I found My first duck about 4 days ago and she was out of her pen when I found her, she was about 20 feet from it. She was missing her feather, skin and meat off her back. She was also missing tail and neck feathers. She had a big puncher wound...
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