
I originally dove head first in helping someone I knew who had just 3 days to rehome 18 chickens and all their accessories. I'd been considering getting some for several months prior. They ended up being bantam breeds and 9 hens (1 a cross beak) and 9 roosters. I had a lot to learn so I turned to the web and found BYC and joined. .Everyone here (for most part) have been understanding and very helpful. I felt stupid in asking some questions, but I was always taught that there's no stupid or dumb questions, just dumb or stupid answers. I have learned a lot over the last 2+ years and have a lot more to still learn. I'm now up to 42 chickens of about 10 different breeds, both bantams and standards. Found out 11 are roosters. Also I have 6 khaki Campbell ducks that BYC members have been helpful with. The ducks and 20 of the chickens (all but 3 roosters) all came from a friend who got overwhelmed. I may be getting some Pekin duckling if my friend is successful in incubating and hatching her ducks eggs.

I've added since March 2018, 22 pullets. Also my surrogate hens are setting on 10 eggs (3 chicken n 7 duck) of which 2 ducklings hatched on my grandson's 7th birthday.

They are my "full time job" along with a dog, her 2 pups and 2 cats. I have a boyfriend who supports me with my pets, although he won't go in pens unless I absolutely can't. His health keeps him from really helping with them.

Beyond all my pets, I have 2 adult sons, 2 adult daughters and a grandson who can't believe mom is a " backyard chicken farmer" (as they call me). But it was no surprise to them, since they grew up allowed to have nearly any pet they wanted. We had all kinds of pets including mice, dwarf and syrian hamsters, gerbils, rats, guinea pigs, multiple breeds of fish, newts, salamanders and iguanas, rabbits, a snake, a sheep, and goats many at the same time. Plus we had lots of cats and dogs. We even had a momma bobcat and her 3 youngins living under the house for 3 years (the male lived across the street by a pond but was usually nearby his family in the evening). They never tried to harm our cats, dogs or livestock.
Mountains of Fayette County, WV
Why do you want to join our community?
I had a lot to learn so I turned to the web and found BYC and joined. Everyone here (for most part) have been understanding and very helpful. I felt stupid in asking some questions, but I was always taught that there's no stupid or dumb questions, just dumb or stupid answers.
Mom to 4 adult kids, grandmom to 1 & a mom to a slew of pets


I promise, I'm not getting any more this year...Oh, they're only a $1, I'll take 12.


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