Recent content by Zachh72

  1. Z

    Nurture right 360

    Thank you Al!
  2. Z

    Nurture right 360

    Hello first time incubating here I got a nurture right 360 and I just started incubating some quail eggs the thing is I am having a hard time keeping my humidity right I have the reservoir filled all the way and almost have the air hole all the way shut I live in Utah and the humidity here is...
  3. Z

    New member here

    Is there a hygrometer that you suggest that is better than the govee or is that one alright?
  4. Z

    New member here

    I bought a Kebonnixs incubator and a govee the Kebonnixs is set at 99.5% and humid is at 47% but my govee is saying 98.6-99% and 39% humidity should I trust the govee or the Kebonnixs is there a better hydrometer I should get I am just testing this out I do not have eggs to incubate at this time.
  5. Z

    Kebonnixs and govee question

    I just got a kenonnixs from Amazon after reading reviews and it seemed good i also read that the govee was a good hydrometer well I was testing it out my kebonnixs is set to it’s factory setting 99.5 and 50% well the govee is saying it’s 99 degrees and 40% should I trust the govee or the kebonnixs?
  6. Z

    New member here

    I have had chickens before in the past but I have never incubated them.
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