Recent content by Zehmazoo

  1. Zehmazoo

    Very sick Guinea!! Please help!!

    Did you ever find out what the problem was? And how did you treat her? I have one with the same symptoms
  2. Zehmazoo

    How to tell if a chick with Crazy Chick Disease will get better

    How do you suggest giving the vitamins to the fowl? My silkie is doing the exact same thing and i am fit to be tied with worry
  3. Zehmazoo


    What would be the best incubator be for a beginner? I am wanting to hatch keets.
  4. Zehmazoo

    Guinea Hen randomly laying

    Thank so much for the feed back. This is quite an adventure and I love my birds. I know I need a few more birds and that will happen hopefully soon Cheers
  5. Zehmazoo

    Guinea Hen randomly laying

    Hi guys, So this is my first spring with my 4 guineas (3 male & 1 female) At first I was freaking about the males fighting (but then I read some info on here that eased my mind) Today I found 1 egg lying on my front yard. I took the egg into the coop and put it in the wonderful nest I build...
  6. Zehmazoo

    Guinea Fowl questions

    This was awesome! Thank you for the reply I will read the suggested and I will be getting 6 more meets to make my flock 10 strong
  7. Zehmazoo

    Guinea talk.

    Sorry for your loss.... never an easy thing
  8. Zehmazoo

    Guinea talk.

    Bawhaha mine do that too.... my least favourite thing is when they have a sand bath then go shake it all over my entrance.
  9. Zehmazoo

    Guinea talk.

    Just wait till they get older.... I love mine too and they run to great me when I arrive home from being out.
  10. Zehmazoo

    Guinea Fowl questions

    Cindy I love the "come back, come back" it seriously makes me smile
  11. Zehmazoo

    Guinea Fowl questions

    Hi there, In new to this site and to keeping Guinea fowl. I got my 4 sweet little fur keets when they were only 1 day hatched. Having no idea if I was getting male or female.... I kept them inside my livingroom in a large wooden box (yes yes I know my husband kept telling me not to spoil them.)...
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