BackYard Chickens - Learn How to Raise Chickens

Hello! How are you?
happy duck
happy duck
I am doing good. Just laying around the house being bored. I am about to make some duck toys cuz my ducks are so bored in the garage. We have not built there run yet. Well we are in the middle of marking it.
Oh, how cute! I hope they like the toys you make them! How old are they now?
happy duck
happy duck
They are 1 1/2 months old!!!So crazy that they are so old already!!!
I swear, ducklings grow like weeds! What kind of toys are you making them? Might try them out for the next batch of duckies I get.
happy duck
happy duck
I'm actually going to post an article of the toys that I made them. I'll post the link once I make it. It's kind of like a toy with treat stuff into them. It looks really trashy but they like it.
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