BackYard Chickens - Learn How to Raise Chickens

Callender Girl
Callender Girl
I likely won't call them by the proper names, but I have 3 drakes: one black, one gray and one colored like a Mallard (I know there's a name for that and it eludes me). My hens are a Mallard-looking one, 1 white, 2 gray & 3 dark brownish with splotches of white. They're certainly not show birds, by any stretch of the imagination, but adorable, just the same.

Just curious why you're asking?
Wow, I was just wondering because I saw in a thread you mentioned that you had Indian Runners. I have some as well and like asking other Runner duck owners what colors they have and stuff. I hope you did not mind me asking...if so I’m sorry.
Callender Girl
Callender Girl
I didn't mind at all. I have just learned (sadly) to be a little cautious because I kind of fell into an unpleasant situation when responding to what seemed like an innocent question from a BYC member. I am happy to share with you about my runners. How many do you have and what colors? I really wanted a fawn and white, but none so far.
I’m sorry to hear that. I got about 29 Indian Runners and the colors I got are Black, Blue (Gray), Blue Bibbed, Blue Fawn, Fawn and White, Chocolate, one really weird color and it looks like a diluted Blue, another that I’m not quite sure on, and last is a Pencil. I think that’s it.
Callender Girl
Callender Girl
They sound beautiful! I really enjoy the variety of colors and designs in runners. I have to admit, I can't tell what they're going to look like when they grow up. My breeder lets me choose a duckling, then she tells me if it's a hen or drake (I nearly ALWAYS accidentally choose drakes & already have plenty). Color, then, is secondary to having more girls to spread around the mating romance.
Yeah, I got to many drakes as well.
In colors I also have Cumberland Blues.
Callender Girl
Callender Girl
Of my first 4, 3 were drakes. Two years ago, when I wanted to buy 3 females, the breeder looked over my choices and thought they were all girls. One was not. By the time I figured that out, Layne was already part of the flock and his two "sisters" were bonded to him. To her credit, Elizabeth offered to replace him with a hen. But, by then, I was too attached to send him away.
Awe!! What breeder do you go to?
Callender Girl
Callender Girl
There's a woman who lives about an hour away in Ames, Iowa. She LOVES runner ducks and is the reason I have them. I was actually looking to add guineas and saw her posts on Craigslist where she extolled the virtues of runners. We had Mallards when I was a kid and I wasn't that enamored with them. But, I fell in love with her runners.
Callender Girl
Callender Girl
My chickens mostly come from Hoover's Hatchery via the local farm store, as do my geese. BUT, I like being able to go to Elizabeth's and choose my ducklings because I know how much she cares about hers and can see her breeding setup and get tips on what I can do with mine.
That’s awesome!
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