BackYard Chickens - Learn How to Raise Chickens

Have you ever been to Kenya? :)
Wow… that sounds very hectic 😅
Meri Maura
Meri Maura
Kenya? Me?
Meri Maura
Meri Maura
Meri Maura
I've never left texas
Meri Maura
Meri Maura
Why do you ask?
Meri Maura
Meri Maura
Ihave been in uruguay for 3 weeks now. The previous owners were.....weird. we were very nice to them, paid full asking for the house, and yet they left us lots of petty little fixes, everything would have cost under 1000 easily. Last night though, we in our living room and we noticed a bat in our living room.
Meri Maura
Meri Maura
We went to get a broom to get shoo him out the front door with, but then he vanished. We looked around the house for a while before coming back to the living room. Then we noticed the empty fireplace. Everything are sense. We looked into the chimney with a light and saw bat poop all over the walls. That's when we realized that we had bats in our chimney. :sick thanks previous owners
Meri Maura
Meri Maura
There was a ledge in the chimney so we didn't see bat droppings in the fireplace
Meri Maura
Meri Maura
Also we scraped the wall to make sure it wasn't soot. Definitely not soot.
Meri Maura
Meri Maura
Sorry for venting
I should start a thread

Wow… what are y’all gonna do about the bags?
Meri Maura
Meri Maura
Well....we have to install a Door so that they can leave, but not come back. My mom likes bats so we have to wait until our shipping containers arrive next month with all of our furniture and 300 tote boxes of belongings. Probably about 2 or 3 houses worth of junk.
Look up how big a 40ft shipping container is. We have 3
I believe it. That‘s how much we had when we moved.
Meri Maura
Meri Maura
Where did you move from and to?
Meri Maura
Meri Maura
Never mind. The bat we saw didn't come from chimney. It must have come in when a door was open. No bats in chimney :thumbsup
Awesome sauce!
You changed your name back!!
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