Search results for query: Impacted crop

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  1. Poultry Kitten

    Impacted crop?

    I have a hen who will walk around her run very slowly and not stick with her flock. I have felt her crop and it is very hard maybe impacted. I plan on using olive oil and massaging the crop as well as isolating her without food. Should I give her grit or not, also could an Epsom salt bath help...
  2. Smileybans

    Impacted crop

    I have a hen that has a large mass of hay in her crop. Massaging doesn’t break it down because it’s hay. She has been off food and only has grit and water in her cage. But nothing seems to be helping. I can get the impaction to go down but she brings it right back into her crop. She’s making the...
  3. Matilda84

    Impacted crop in chickens vs ducks

    Hi there! I had someone ask a question on a reply I wrote about sour crop and impacted crop in chickens, asking if ducks could get these issues too. I informed them that yes ducks can also get the same crop issues as chickens. But this started me thinking about it, and impacted crop in chickens...
  4. The Welch Chickens

    Baby chick possible impacted crop

    Our little Mystic Onyx looks as if her crop is impacted. She eats almost nonstop and her crop is huge. I’ve had impacted crop in a hen before but never a chick.
  5. starlabantam

    Help! Malnourished chick with impacted crop?

    I have a 1 month old chick who is very lethargic and has impacted crop. I’ve tried everything and not her crop has not been draining at all. She’s malnourished already even tho I’ve been giving her a bit of rooster booster and I think I’m running out of options, please help!
  6. R

    Impacted crop Duck

    Howdy so I’ve been noticing my female ducks neck doesn’t look so good. I’m thinking impacted crop? She’s laying well eats a lot probably too much, eats grass and her normal grains. What do yall think? And how do I treat it?? I can’t find much on impacted crops for ducks only chickens. From what...
  7. G

    Impacted Crop

    I noticed my 10wk Silkie was acting unusual and immediately felt that it's crop was huge, and felt full of air. She was still eating, so i brought her inside for the night, and witheld food for 24hrs. I work as a vet nurse and took her in to work with me. At 24hrs, we x-rayed her, and her crop...
  8. C

    Large crop? Impacted crop?

    We got some babies at Tractor Supply yesterday, and I noticed ones crop is large. I’m not sure if it’s impacted? Shes a buff Orpington, and I’m not sure how old.
  9. Jangela

    7 months old pullet eating dry wall and has impacted crop

    Hello everyone this just started yesterday morning where one of my pullets was eating drywall without me noticing sooner and has impacted crop what can i do to get rid of impacted crop ? It's as big as a golf ball and hard with pieces that I guessing are drywall .
  10. M

    Impacted crop

    Hi all please help. I have 4 year old Easter eager with impacted crop. Noticed it a day ago. Didn’t notice it sooner cuz she was eating and drinking still. She is under weight. I went through some of the post already. I tried olive oil and massaging it downward. it’s not as hard. But its...
  11. P

    Sour crop? Impacted crop?

    I have recently noticed that my chicken may have an impacted/sour crop. I suspect it started a month ago. I was suspicious before but smelled her breath and she was fine she was also having a healthy appetite and has no signs of weight loss. Recently though her crop has grown in size and feels...
  12. awagnon

    Impacted Crop Treatment

    Hi everyone, I just found this YouTube video that shows a Vet Tech treating a hen for impacted crop. I hope it's OK to link it here in case others may need this information and can't afford or don't have access to a vet that treats chickens.
  13. S

    Impacted crop from oyster shells?

    Has anyone ever experienced an impacted crop from oyster shells? We thought one of our chickens had sour crop and after taking it to the vet for a crop flush we were told she had stones in her crop. This didn't exactly make sense given the "stone" we were shown was bright white and looked...
  14. catiecatie

    Possible Impacted Crop????

    ...on a few of them, there seems to be a semi hard ball on their necks. Pretty small especially in comparison to some of the pictures of impacted crop that I've seen. Late last night they seemed to go flatter but this morning, small balls back on their necks. I've withheld food and no change...
  15. Catastrophic

    Hen with Impacted crop

    My Wyandotte hen has a impacted crop I can tell, and I would really appreciate any type of help in what to do to help her and prevent her from dying since I’ve had this problem previously and lost a hen. I tried massaging her but she started to vomit and I know what could kill her. Any help will...
  16. S

    I’ve tried everything for impacted crop

    I am desperate My blue copper maran seemingly has impacted crop because her crop is hard and feels full of sand. I’ve tried all the noninterventional remedies I’ve found on this forum. For the past 7 days we have 1. Isolated her 2. Put her inside so she can’t eat more sand 3. Withheld food...
  17. starlabantam

    Help! Impacted crop?

    This morning I woke up to my 1 month old chick lethargic and with a giant crop. It was semi hard and lumpy so all day I’ve been slowly feeding her coconut oil, massaging it, letting her rest for thirty minutes, repeat. I’d let her sip water with a bit of rooster booster inside. It definitely...
  18. M

    2 week old chick Impacted crop

    Hi all. I have a 2 week old leghorn chick who is very lethargic and has an impacted crop. I’ve been giving water with rooster booster every hour and massaging. She is still laying around, seems too weak to walk. She was great yesterday and then this morning wouldn’t get up. She has had two small...
  19. Fluster Cluck Acres

    Engorged impacted/pendulous crop

    I have a 9 month old chocolate Orpington hen with an engorged impacted and/or pendulous crop. Last night (Monday night) as the girls’ were going to bed, I coincidentally checked her crop and was shocked by how full & hard it was, and how much it seemed to be swinging freely around. I checked...
  20. Poultry Kitten

    Weird crop problems

    My hens crop (I believe) has been impacted for 2 days. Now after treating her, and massaging her it has become soft. The crop seems to feel the proper way, but it is extremely full even after a night of fasting. I do not believe she has sour crop because her breath smells fine but I am unsure...
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