Search results for query: coop build

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  1. Allie_pollman

    First coop build!

    Morning y’all! We have started building our coop! Since this is our first time with chickens we are working with what we got instead of purchasing a coop. We repurposed a permanent hunting blind my dad built for my disabled brother to hunt out of! It is 5x8. It’s taken some real TLC. But we are...
  2. C

    Building a coop with restraints

    My city recently started allowing backyard chickens (up to 6 hens). I plan on getting 4. I live in North Dakota, so harsh winters with lots of snow, below 0 temps and wind. My husband, dad and father in law are willing to build me a coop and run. However, the city has put restraints on size...
  3. Moose0

    Indoor coop outdoor run questions

    Hello, question for someone with more experience. When y'all build a hen house that's inside another structure (ie. the Run is outside but u build an attached coop inside like barn or shed.) does anyone bother with insulation or does being inside do enough during winter? What about light and...
  4. K

    Building and selling chicken coop like Carolina coop

    I have built 3 chicken coops that replicate the American Coop by Carolina Coop. I've had people ask me to build them one. Is it legal for me to build and sell if they look like the Carolina Coop?
  5. mallory2013

    My coop building journey

    Hello fellow chicken lovers! I wanted to document my coop building journey and share with other people who would understand my egg-citement! 😂 I am using 10x10 shed plans that I purchased off of Etsy. I have to preface that I have limited prior building experience, (despite the fact that my...
  6. Rosekitten

    Help with building coop/run (complete novice at building)

    Looking for threads, links, anything. I'm in a small town and trying to hire someone for semi quality work has been like pulling teeth. That or they are a town or two over and they want to charge 5 grand or more for a coop planned for 4 to 6 chickens heh. So I'm gonna just say forget it and...
  7. S

    Building a coop! Questions as we go....

    1. A poop tray under the roost that can be cleaned like cat litter sounds perfect. We have some vinyl laminate flooring boards left over from a new floor in our human coop. Would those be safe to use in a chicken coop? Any thoughts on how to attach rims to it? 2. I've read that it's best to...
  8. W

    Home Depot & Lowes Coop Builds

    Hi Everyone, I found these coop plans through Home Depot and Lowe's websites. What are your thoughts? Have you built them? Home Depot: Lowes: 🐔Thanks!
  9. T

    Need to build a new coop

    Currently I converted my old gazebo into a coop. Well we grew in numbers from 3 chickens to 15... it holds them fine however it's an old gazebo and just rotting away. Everytime I fix something it falls apart. Are there any good plans for a coop and a run for all 15? That's easy to build for...
  10. C

    First Time Coop Builder / Chicken Keeper

    Hi Everyone! I am designing my first coop and would like some guidance for those of you that have experience! I live near Sudbury and right now my main concern is how to build the coop properly for winter. I've seen lots of info saying the ladies will share body heat to keep the coop warm...
  11. Bock-Bock-Bagock

    Day 2 of New Coop/Run Build!!!

    Took a vacation so I can get to work on the new chicken run and coop. I'm planning on doing this project over a long period of time. This is where I started: It was all overgrown with saplings that I cut back previously. There was a small building made of cinder blocks, but it was falling...
  12. S

    Building my own coop

    I’m trying to hurry to get the outside of the coop finished before the rain. It should start raining tomorrow and rain for the next 4 days. Waiting for the caulk to dry, so I can prime and paint. Then the last thing for today will be working on the nest box roof. For the siding I used what I had...
  13. E

    Echo and Pan's Chicken Coop Build Blog

    Welcome to Our Build Blog! Just fair Warning, We've never been known to not add a bunch of pictures, so this might take awhile to load on slower connections. I'm Sorry! Echo has a new 'S23' that she is enjoying taking all sorts of videos and pictures with, I rarely get it out of her hands...
  14. R

    My coop design and build blog

    And so it begins. Ive designed the coop I want to build and I have begun construction. I will post the build pics here as I progress. We plan on 10 meat birds and 6 eggers. This will be a new addition to our new homestead. The focus will be on predator control (since we lots of them. After...
  15. A

    Our First flock and first coop build

    Hey Everyone! I wanted to document our family's first coop build for our new flock. Since moving to an area that can allow BYC we decided to finally make it happen. I should say I because I surprised my wife while she was out of town with 10 pullets (5 golden buffs and 5 Rhode Island Reds). I...
  16. D

    Rebuilding an Old Coop for New Birds, Need Pointers

    This will be a coop build but I'm also looking for some pointers from anyone who has more experience! When my family moved to our current home there was an old chicken coop that had perches and nest boxes but no run to speak of. We built a fence and created a lean-to on the ground at the side...
  17. Building a Run Addition to the Sentinel Coop from TSC

    Building a Run Addition to the Sentinel Coop from TSC

    Introduction I remember a thread where someone wanted to put an addition to the Sentinel coop, so here's how I did mine. Back in 2021, when we got our second batch of chicks, we purchased a Producer's Pride Sentinel Coop from Tractor Supply. For $400, it seemed to be well-made and we didn't...
  18. MMelton67

    Sharing my coop build

    The final product with run. Coop is 8'x8' 6.5' on the front sloping to 5' at the back. The next one might be 6' -> 5'. Door from the side to enter, door out the front with chicken door in the bottom of it. 2 8' roosting bars inside with 1 48" wide x 14" deep colony box. The run is 8' wide x 40'...
  19. kcrozier

    Lean-To Roofed Run/Coop Combo Build- Advice

    Hey All, just looking for input and feedback on this coop design! I feel as if I have plenty of ventilation, but would like input if anyone disagrees. Any other general input or advice welcome. Please forgive my crude "paint" drawing. I've got it mostly sketched on graph paper but wanted to give...
  20. T

    Stationary vs portable coop

    Hi, guys, so I have 5 baby chicks right now and I’m really stressed about coop/run situation when they’re older. I currently live in a duplex where the 2.5 acres of back yard space is shared. The neighbors are okay with chickens but don’t want me to free range them which is totally understand. I...
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