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  1. Riverbend Farms

    Howdy from N. Idaho

    Welcome to BYC!
  2. Riverbend Farms

    Easter Egger… do we have a Roo?!

    Since its an EE, coloring can be very sparratic so I wouldn't focus on that, but if you see pointed (not rounded off) hackle, sickle, and tail feathers then I would assume cockerel. Could you give more close ups of the tail while not in motion?
  3. Riverbend Farms

    MJ's little flock

    In Australia, according to the APA
  4. Riverbend Farms

    Cochin SOP breeding, advice?

    Another thing you want in the cochin tails is rose-petal like feathers. (Only for smooth feather, not frizzle) and stringiness or very narrow feathers is something to watch out for. Your birds have some narrow tail feathers, but are not bad.
  5. Riverbend Farms

    Name that breed!

    Some cross breed
  6. Riverbend Farms

    Is this a broken wing?

    Hello, My 4 y/o BO hen has been acting slow, and in pain lately. Her wing seems very drooped and I'm wondering if its broken. If it is, how should I go about healing it?
  7. Riverbend Farms


    Hi, I have 2 d'uncles and I wanted to know how heat hardy this breed tends to be? Mine are show quality so they have the bull neck, full muffs and lots of feathering and have big single combs.. I found my hen really hot today (she had just layed an egg and the coop gets hotter than outside) and...
  8. Riverbend Farms

    White jeans

    I didn't know exactly where to put this thread so I put here. Mods if you feel it is better in a different spot please move it. Anyways, I have county fair in a few weeks and I'm trying to find white boot-cut or flare jeans. Does anyone know of any?
  9. Riverbend Farms

    Photo Critique Club

    Can anyone critique these photos? They are for my county fair. Also please help me decide between 6a and 6b 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6a. 6b. 7. 8.
  10. Riverbend Farms

    Photo Critques

    Can anyone critique these photos? They are for my county fair. Also please help me decide between 6a and 6b 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6a. 6b. 7. 8.
  11. Riverbend Farms

    Training a nervous bird

    Hello, I have an 8 m/o d'uccle pullet who I am trying to train to pose but she will not stand still and flips out. She is a backup bird incase my main dies, so not much pressure on her. Should I try to calm her by bringing her in the house and doing things with her? Should I give up and get a...
  12. Riverbend Farms

    Chicken Died, Marek’s Disease Suspected. Rest of flock probably exposed. What do I do? What can I do?

    I am so sorry your chicken died, I had a much-loved hen die a couple days ago. How old was your bird and any history of illness/issues? This is just guessing but it can help get an idea of what may have happened.
  13. Riverbend Farms

    Ameraucana 14 weeks male or female

    She is an easter egger, by the way, they are ameraucana crosses and feedstore/hatcheries sell them as ameraucanas
  14. Riverbend Farms

    Ameraucana 14 weeks male or female

    Looks like a pullet because of rounded feathers in tail.
  15. Riverbend Farms

    Dog thread!🐾

    I might be getting a NSDT puppy sometime this summer for a hunting dog and I was wondering if anyone had any advice? (its my 4th dog, 1st hunting dog)
  16. Riverbend Farms

    Hen Died

    Hello, My BO hen died last night. She was 4 years (and one of my OG chickens so great start to today) She was by the door of the run when I went to let my chickens out. I am looking for some ideas on why she may have died. She is buried so no necropsy or anything. She was healthy and active and...
  17. Riverbend Farms

    Dog thread!🐾

    do you do any dog sports or want to do any? I want to do schutzhund and rally -do you show dogs? No but I want to. -whats your favourite breed/what breed do you want to get? I want a GSD or a Malinois -introduce your dogs - Ollie, a border collie/cattle dog/pitbull cross and we might be...
  18. Riverbend Farms

    Showmanship Tips

    Thank you guys for the advice!
  19. Riverbend Farms

    Showmanship Tips

    I have a poultry show in 1 1/2 weeks and I want to know the best ways to win it. Some extra info: I have won showmanship before (in a class of 5) and this show is as equally as small I believe. I am showing a Mille Fleur Belgian Bearded D'Uccle pullet. She is trained to pose and I am about to...
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