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  1. sadies chicks

    Rooster to rehome - Portland, OR

    Here is a better pic of the
  2. sadies chicks

    What breed is this rooster?

    This guy really has us baffled. We didn't even think he was a rooster until this morning when he started crowing :/ shows you how much we know...
  3. sadies chicks

    Rooster to rehome - Portland, OR

    I have a hen that discovered she was a rooster OVERNIGHT. Either that or he just didn't look roo-ish to me, so I over looked him. I am hoping there is someone available to take him on short notice. I had to rehome my other 3 roos last weekend due to grouchy neighbors. The only picture I...
  4. sadies chicks

    I already know the answer, but have to ask.....ARE THEY ROOSTERS???

    Oh I had thought it was a 1:10 ratio. Hmmm, let me think on this..... I have always wanted roosters :)
  5. sadies chicks

    I already know the answer, but have to ask.....ARE THEY ROOSTERS???

    Orrrrrr, I could just get more hens to even things out ;)
  6. sadies chicks

    I already know the answer, but have to ask.....ARE THEY ROOSTERS???

    In theory yes, however that would make a total of 3 roos out of 13 chickens. I will most likely, and unfortunately, rehome all 3 of them. I am super bummed, I was going to be ok with one roo, but just can't do 3.
  7. sadies chicks

    I already know the answer, but have to ask.....ARE THEY ROOSTERS???

    Ugh, I knew it. But aren't they gorgeous??? :D
  8. sadies chicks

    I already know the answer, but have to ask.....ARE THEY ROOSTERS???

    My beautiful marans....DH heard one of them crow yesterday. I am going to be so bummed if they are roosters!!!! Suspect #1: Suspect #2:
  9. sadies chicks

    Easter egger?

    Thanks for the pic, he is beautiful. Hopefully mine is female so I can keep her ;)
  10. sadies chicks

    Easter egger?

    A roo!! Oh no! ;) do you happen to have a pic of him now?
  11. sadies chicks

    Easter egger?

    We were thinking this one was an eater egger, but the detail around her eyes has me questioning? Any thoughts?
  12. sadies chicks

    Bantam chick - breed?

    Ok thanks!! She really is a sweetie and just so tiny!! I worry about her sometimes with the big dopey naked neck we have in there :) but she seems to be holding her own so far :)
  13. sadies chicks

    Bantam chick - breed?

    I don't seem to have any pictures of her up close.
  14. sadies chicks

    Bantam chick - breed?

    Ok maybe this will help, I will see if there are any others on my phone...
  15. sadies chicks

    Bantam chick - breed?

    She is super tiny and super cutie :D
  16. sadies chicks

    Bantam chick - breed?

    Any thoughts on breed?
  17. sadies chicks

    What am I?

    Yeah I was thinking bantam but don't know anything about them so I will do some reading, thanks ;)
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