Search results for query: integration

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  1. L

    Hen with severe feather and skin damage - help needed with treatment and integration with flock

    We recently inherited 5 hens from our neighbor who got rid of her flock. She still has 5 roosters and one hen who are semi feral. The roosters have been abusing the hen and she has severe feather loss and old healing wounds. Otherwise she seems healthy and alert. We were finally able catch and...
  2. Aunt Tat

    Introducing Newbies

    ...which was what our dead girl was; and we opted not to get another Broody Barnevelder, otherwise we would have gotten those for easier integration. We started introducing them after the 2-wk quarantine and everyone was getting along fine...they were in the house for about 5-10 mins. and we...
  3. Azulette

    Planning Chick Integration of 2 groups - 1 group with Mama Hen & 1 separate brooder group

    Hi there- I’m hoping for some advice on chick integration. I have 7 chicks, all the same age, some of differing breeds. Broody/mama hen is a Prairie Bluebell Egger. I used the night time approach for placing the chicks under her. The following early morning, this first-time broody hen rejected...
  4. nashyboi

    Integrating chicks to the flock

    Hello, So I always see people asking what age you can start integrating chicks to the rest of the flock. I have seen people say 8 weeks, I have seen people say 1 week. I personally do this. So when I bring home my chicks from the hatchery I first check for pasty butt ( when the chicks has a...
  5. H

    Integration using wire dog crate

    Hello! I am new to chicken keeping. I have 4 Americunas (15 weeks old) that have been in their new run and coop for a week. I have 2 Lavendar orpingtons (pretty sure one is a roo) that are 8 weeks old I want to add to my flock. Would it be safe to put the Orpingtons in a wire dog kennel inside...
  6. Pollmadoll

    When to integrate mother and chick back to flock?

    I would like to introduce a mother hen and her one month old Frizzle chick who used to be part of the flock -(2 Pekins and one white silky) The 2Pekins became broody together . Nearing hatch day I only had one egg going to hatch due to detatched air cell complications with the other eggs ...
  7. K

    Integrating 11-12 week olds

    This is my first time integrating babies into a new flock. I recently two months ago introduced 18-red sex links about 20 weeks into my 11-mystic onyx who are about a year. Things were super easy. I'm not sure what's normal or not. New group of babies there are 27 and a speckled turkey. I...
  8. haleymarie

    Integrating new chicks into my young flock

    I purchased day-old chicks today to add to my existing flock of seven 6ish-week old chicks (one is a cockerel). I did so because I originally planned for eight hens - one died the day I bought it, I replaced it, a second died the next day, and one turned out to be a cockerel, so I am down to six...
  9. tviss711

    Integrating Pullets and a cockerel to Existing Flock him, and I want my older girls to enjoy him too, but they've never had a rooster in the flock before so I'm worried they may not appreciate his presence since they are so established as their own little flock. :fl Any and all advice welcome! I just want this integration to go smoothly...
  10. GlicksChicks

    Introducing 7 Week Old Chicks to my 8 Month Old Flock

    Today I opened the chicks caged area in the coop and left a small opening for the chicks to slip in and out of. The opening is not big enough for the adults to get through. I have seen the chicks using it. I watched the flock for a while and the only chicken that has "attacked" the chicks is my...
  11. C

    Integrating New Chickens

    Hi! I am looking for some tips on integrating my 5 new chickens to my old flock of 4. No roosters in either flock. Our old flock of 4 are about 1.5 years old. Our new flock are 16 weeks. They are roughly the same size, just a little less plump. We have had them introduced through a wire fence...
  12. K

    New chicken bullying old flock

    Hi all, We recently added 4 adult chickens to our existing flock of 5- we had them in a fenced off part of the yard for 3 weeks, and have let them mingle in the 1/4 acre yard the last week. The two flocks are mostly just ignoring one another, but one of the new hens (a blue laced Wyandotte) has...
  13. C

    Odd Integration Situation, advice needed 💜

    Hi everyone, I'm new to this forum and my family just got our first flock of chickens! I'm really excited but it's an odd situation. Basically a family friend had to give away four Silkie hens due to city regulations and we were able to take them in. She also went to a poultry swapand surprised...
  14. Rick&Chris

    Need integration help

    ...4 littles (9 and 11 weeks old) that I’m integrating. I have a grow out coop in the run, and just removed a crate that was next to it. Integration has been pretty good, however, my rooster and a couple of hens are chasing the littles from the food and water. Today I came home and the littles...
  15. Lisa L

    Integrating 7 week old chicks with existing flock

    My five 7 week old bantam chicks have been out in the fenced run (but separated and living in a smaller coop) with my existing nine assorted mix bantams for the past two weeks. I'd like to open the door and let them in with the bigger girls ( no rooster), but two of the chicks are old English...
  16. RadEggs

    Anxious hen, not integrating with flock

    So we just got this new hen, Hazel, and she is not integrating well. For context, here are some things to know about the flock, and my setup. The Flock: Esther, a barred rock, is the boss chicken. She is loud and opinionated. In the middle we have Glowy, a silver lace wyandotte. She is quiet...
  17. ChicksandJacque

    Good Morning!

    Hi I'm Jacque, I've cared for grown chickens, but I've never raised chicks of my own. This fall I took the plunge and am finishing up my chicken coop and run. Coops just about ready for my chicks. My chicks are in a brooder in my house, warm and comfy. They are 3 1/2 week and 1 1/2 weeks old...
  18. F

    new pullet pecked (need first aid suggestions) and bird integration

    I've been trying to get my new 8 to 10 week old pullets (4) introduced to my older 2 hens. After quarantining for 4 weeks in a large refrigerator box, I moved all 4 pullets into a large dog crate inside our coop (2' x 2' x 3'), which in hindsight might be too small for four but it is all I had...
  19. R


    Howdy I have some questions about integration! I have a group of 9 week old pullets and 6 week old pullets. They weren’t raised together. How can I integrate them together? Is is the same as introducing them to adults? I know when it’s an older flock it’s a slow process but with the pullets...
  20. KyCoop

    First night of integration

    Tonight was the first night the babies and the ladies were together without a barrier in the coop. The babies are 7 wks old and have been in the coop with a barrier for two weeks. This morning after the ladies had left the run into the yard we took the barrier down. It took a little while but...
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