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  1. RoyalChick

    MJ's little flock

    They certainly do - mine dug up an ancient horseshoe!
  2. RoyalChick

    Fluffy Butt Acres: Stories of our flock

    Correction. It’s a pretty chicken!
  3. RoyalChick

    MJ's little flock

    Mine has been pretty good at finding roofing nails. And I once dropped a screw inside the Chicken Palace and it found that too.
  4. RoyalChick

    MJ's little flock

    A magnetic to find nails is a pretty standard hardware store item. Of course it misses stuff but it is better than nothing. My problem is I have bits of iron in the soil so it gets clogged up rather fast.
  5. RoyalChick

    Ribh's D'Coopage

    Wow. That’s amazing Lozzy.
  6. RoyalChick

    MJ's little flock

    At least here it is easy to get your soil tested for lead and other heavy metals. There are even home tests.
  7. RoyalChick

    At what age do baby chicks start to DUST BATH?

    Sorry. I don’t know anything about the coccidiosis vaccine.
  8. RoyalChick

    At what age do baby chicks start to DUST BATH?

    Bathing and grit are separate things. It just happens that I put my grit in a big enough bowl that they bathed in it. Usually people put a bowl of grit available for them to help themselves. If they are free range then it isn't usually needed because there are rocks in the dirt, but many...
  9. RoyalChick

    At what age do baby chicks start to DUST BATH?

    No itsy bitsy spiders in the house? I am sure it will be fine, but chick grit is inexpensive so I always feel it is safer to let them have some just in case.
  10. RoyalChick

    At what age do baby chicks start to DUST BATH?

    The grit is important if they have any food other than chick starter, and the minute they go outside they will catch bugs. So I always give mine a bowl of grit from day one and they bathe in it! Mine also bathe in their shavings. I give them a bowl of sand.
  11. RoyalChick

    At what age do baby chicks start to DUST BATH?

    I haven't looked out for a specific age but I am pretty sure my last batch were dustbathing in their bowl at about a week. My guess is that if they have the right sort of bath they will do so from the first day or so. Why? I would just make sure they have something they can bathe in and they...
  12. RoyalChick

    Fluffy Butt Acres: Stories of our flock

    Mugshots for Monday. Pooh, Sylvie and Bernie. The butterfly bush has really grown into a wonderful hideaway for them. It is a thick cave and must be nice and cool underneath.
  13. RoyalChick

    Fluffy Butt Acres: Stories of our flock

    You have such pretty chickens. 🥰
  14. RoyalChick

    Fluffy Butt Acres: Stories of our flock

    I am in the same camp. Trust to clutter and speed. And keep an eye on them of course.
  15. RoyalChick

    MJ's little flock

    Sticky stuff, porridge!
  16. RoyalChick

    MJ's little flock

    I would love a mobile vet. I am in driving distance of an exotic animal vet who I quite like (no specific chicken experience but so far she has been helpful). But I feel like the journey is a bit stressful for me and the chickens (though actually the chickens seem quite interesting car rides, so...
  17. RoyalChick

    Fluffy Butt Acres: Stories of our flock

    I think that is it. The prey is definitely the same!
  18. RoyalChick

    Fluffy Butt Acres: Stories of our flock

    Hmmm. I am not sure. I thought Martins were bigger. These are really tiny. The nest box is intended for Eastern Bluebirds and often get invaded by house sparrows. These guys are smaller than house sparrows. If I get a chance I will try to do some identification. They are quite noisy - sort...
  19. RoyalChick

    Théo and the chickens des Sauches

    That is so good to hear. :love
  20. RoyalChick

    Fluffy Butt Acres: Stories of our flock

    For Pony Sunday I have these little guys. Both parents bring food and remove waste constantly. I can’t quite see what it is they are eating. Something with long legs and a big white body. I don’t think I have seen any bugs like that in the yard - but there must be loads of them as the birds...
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